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Hard Core Cults

Hard Core Cults - Hi and welcome back to my blog! - As a pretty mediocre Christian myself, in terms of regularly attending church services, I have nevertheless always kept religious diversity dear to my heart. In other words, I have constantly tried to keep an open mind with regard to all kinds of different denominations, be it mainstream religions or smaller faith congregations. Finding overall genuine interest in foreign cultures, languages, rites, traditions and beliefs, I, however, have to admit feeling ambiguously fascinated and repulsed as I keep working myself through that incredibly vast landscape of manifoldness. Just the other night, I stumbled across a quote supposedly uttered by no lesser than the honorable Dalai Lama himself whom I deeply adore for his enormous spiritual insight as well as his outstanding wisdom. "Sometimes I truly wish there were no religions at all." - Well, in my opinion, this says it all considering the many problems stemming from our differing convictions. Especially now that Season 2 of Leah Remini's critical outlook on Scientology just started, I find myself shaking my head even more so at that all too stubborn naivety, ignorance and reluctance to see the actual truth on part of so many followers. Why anyone would still seriously want to join a Satanic cult such as this one when full knowledge about the whole organization is publicly available at the tip of their fingers is just beyond my overall understanding and tolerance. Even though, way more subtle and by far not as aggressive regarding their soliciting pursuits, the Jehovah Witnesses are actually not much different because they undoubtedly work with rather similar scare and rejection tactics just to keep their flock well in line. Any congregation whatsoever that excludes secular insignia and with those festive services altogether but instead chews the coined interpretation of their Script - nothing but a cheap compilation of favorable and mainly borrowed passages of various different bible sources - over and over again, which I would preferably want to refer to as brainwashing or indoctrination at its best, is definitely not a religion but clearly a cult. What truly blew my mind and felt like the last straw that broke the camel's back to me were the following words coming out of someone's mouth only last week: "Sweetie, there is no such thing as a soul moving on after we die. Adam was breathed life into his body (I am just glad that she at least acknowledges that this is indeed life),  and that's it. There is no animated part called the soul." Wow! Honey, you can't seriously believe anything like that just because that randomly pieced- together Book of yours says so. Does this imply now that you, good woman, are suddenly soul- less, I'm seriously beginning to wonder? Just for damage control alone, a line needs to be drawn here for real and immediately both on a micro and a macro level, dearies. This is indeed outrageously dangerous and above all most irresponsible, not just medially highly explosive and controversial tidings a cult like that keeps manipulating their folks with. Since some of my own family even fell for that illusion once, I sincerely feel that I am entitled to take a clear position against that church. Never mind, any religious group that teaches, conveys and spreads such reckless concepts is in reality nothing more than an immanent soul- and spirit- or rather Godless menace to millions more gullible, defenseless and simple minds out there. Just kindly tell me, what are you people striving for if your one- time physical earthly presence turns into ashes after you are diseased, and there is just nothing else left to be saved in the end? If not (merely) for the very soul's sake, honestly, what would life be good for? Spirit is after all what instills our bodily existence with the required animus and sense. Hard- core or should I rather call it stone- cold religious cults should no longer have any legal justification and should ultimately be banned from our societies as most undeniably, they represent the infamous false prophets we were warned about in THE BIBLE.


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