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UNIQUE - Good morning and welcome back to my blog! - Every single being, and this includes animals and plants as well, has a unique set up which can be quite easily detected by one's iris and fingerprint. Each and every soul displays a unique matrix which is definitely not to be found anywhere else. Thus no soul or rather no man will ever be alike. Alone this fact is just absolutely mind- blowing! A few days ago I more than once came across one and the same Facebook post according to which every flower blossoms at its own rate, extent and length regardless of any fellow flowers in its vicinity. Plants simply don't know human emotions such as jealousy or envy and hence don't sense the need for outdoing each other on a fierce competitive level. I really like this simile for I do feel this is exactly the kind of lesson in every soul's earthly adventure that needs to be prioritized. However, reality couldn't be any further from the truth which is not just a shame but a drama in itself as far as the soul's individual journey with all its unique experiences is concerned. Some of you might wonder why we generally feel so compelled to group up with bunches of conformists trying so desperately to look and act all the same? I think the answer is a rather simple one. We clearly seem to fear being ostracized, outcast or even stigmatized for uniquely sticking out. This may very well please the human ego, but the soul usually takes such oppressive steps fairly poorly because we're simply not geared to walk the same way hand in hand. No doubt, our souls will still keep advancing no matter how tall all those unnecessary obstacles, but our life quality would undeniably increase immensely if we finally proved the courage to just be ourselves. A paramount developmental step like this eventually brings the spiritual awareness of not just our own but other souls' uniqueness as well. Once we learn to appreciate both granting and receiving this sort of freedom, we no longer need to glorify and worship certain ideals for there are none whatsoever anyway. Instead peace can finally enter our hearts triggering the release of true happiness and bliss in life, a state of mind which can solely be generated on the inside but never externally. In fact everybody is good at something no matter what specifically. Yes, it's true, some among us are blessed with more than just one talent, but you see, it doesn't really matter for this should by no means ever be a question of being better but rather of being different. The soul rejoices in what is done well provided, of course, it comes from the heart and is pursued passionately. Sharing our gifts with the world regardless of whether others are more or less fortunate in terms of skills is what our souls truly strive for. The greatest of joys lies in tending towards others and bringing joy to them one way or another. I've met quite a few people who were gifted with fantastic skills but would not show them to anyone for they just didn't feel comfortable to stand out. Most of them turned to the wrong kind of crutches for solace and ultimately got stuck and trapped in drugs and alcohol. We need to assist one another when it comes to opening up to others and demonstrating what we can bring to the table - not because we need to show off and boast but because we're supposed to contribute to a more peaceful and more fulfilled life in the community. Talking about gifts in school, I would encourage my students over and over again to believe in what they thought they were doing best and to keep going whether their surrounding approved of it or not. It simply did not matter because it was their own strength not anybody else's as everybody was good at something different, I would insist. There should never be any negative emotions, thoughts or words about somebody else's skill set because we are not meant to be like them anyway. Take a fish for instance which is good at swimming for it was especially well equipped for that evolutionarily. A monkey on the other hand is outstanding at climbing trees. Believe it or not, it is actually as simple as this! Just become yourself and tap into your unique potential to gain true peace of mind at last. That's all it takes.


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