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Fear Not Fear

Fear Not Fear - Welcome back to my blog! - How do you control large crowds the easiest and the most efficient manner? Exactly, by putting the fear of fears into them. This way the leverage of manipulation basically instrumentalizes everyone at one point. Once fear is multiplied by packing several different ones, the combination leaves us even more impotent and helpless. Kids are instructed from early on to avoid all kinds of dangers as to stay out of harm's way, and this avalanche of fear- producing commands and requests keeps building up as we reach adolescence and adulthood. By the time we are 30, we are usually ideally conditioned and perfectly armored with advice, rule- thinking and deeply rooted behavioral patterns majorly based on fears. However, this is by far not the end yet. The face or rather the quality of fears is about to change slowly. By now we know that certain dangers are easily to be kept at bay like sticking metal objects into sockets or carelessly crossing busy streets. Anyway, we've finally and usually successfully put imminent childhood dangers behind us just to face new, more age- adequate but also way more subtle fears. So, you're still paying off your student loans, at least in North America, or are maybe even taking some loans out to finally be able to build your own home, move away, get married, have kids, start a new career, etc. You know because you've been told many times or perhaps you've even seen it with your own eyes within your own family what a tremendous financial burden this can be, especially in times of recession, when all of a sudden it becomes clear as day that your debts may in fact start skyrocketing and turning into a full- blown and never- ending nightmare. Now panic and anxiety attacks become your new companions, and believe me, they are so darn whimsical, and they usually strike in a completely unplanned and unpredicted fashion which becomes highly crippling to most affected by it. If you don't pay off your debts which you've racked up on multiple credit cards, you will not just be slammed with steeply inclining interest and penalty fees. No, you consequently also run the risk of being deprived and stripped off all your material possessions that you've worked so hard for. If you don't have medical insurance, you fear not only the potential loss of your health but again all that you claim your personal belongings. If you are repeatedly just slightly over the BAC limit, you will ultimately lose your license. If you don't continually perform top notch in your job, you will eventually be replaced, and then what? At a progressing age, especially if you are female, you have to realistically fear to be left behind by much younger and fitter competitors. Ironically, if you let the daily stress get to you too much as a working parent, you're more than likely to disregard or dismiss certain alarming signals in your parenting and/ or marriage possibly resulting in a break- up, divorce and/ or custody battle. I could go on and on talking about all kinds of fears that dominate most of us one way or another. Sad, isn't it? No idea really if this is to be found anywhere in any of the Holy Scripts or where exactly it comes from, but I definitely sense this three- word message to be a wholesome and healing one originating in the cosmic realms if you will. FEAR NOT FEAR! I dare say that in 85% of all cases, fear is a man- made product based on disrespect and inferiority and is commonly exercised to manipulate and lead us into any desired direction, so we won't rise and rebel. No matter what, for the sake of our souls' rescue, we need to free ourselves of the heavy shackles of fear- inducing rules, regulations, orders, demands, etc. He, who lives in constant fear, will not excel and blossom ever. He, who allows to be pinned down, will never experience full freedom, joy and happiness. He, who rids himself of fearing fear itself, will start spreading his wings after all and take off to a place almost as beautiful, serene and sacred as Heaven. Fear sets limits to everything, clips our wings and nails us down ultimately condemning us to idleness, inertia and paralysis. We need to break free from man- made fears and get our lives back.


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