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Bullying = Psychological Warfare

Bullying = Psychological Warfare - At my age I would certainly not have expected to ever become the target of bullying again, but the most current assault has actually proven me quite wrong.
This kind of reality check brings with it one good aspect though, as I had entertained the thought of picking up exactly that issue once more anyway - prior to what occurred last Friday. And even though I have been vehemently advised against dragging it out into the public for the sake of denying the bully/ bullies their right to triumph over me, I am nonetheless addressing exactly this problem today. The reason being, millions of times we have been told to just hold still, endure and move on in order to dis- empower the bad guys, but the matter of fact is, the problem will not go away ever by shutting up or down. Sure, one may take their bullied kids out of school and regroup them in new and different surroundings, but the issue itself will remain as we keep walking through life like ticking time bombs waiting to go off. Sooner or later it will catch up to us again because we subliminally chose to be the victims in this cruel game. I, for my part, however, have clearly had enough of all forms of bullying and all types of bullies. I had been ridiculed in school until I literally rose to my shaky feet and began to fight back. If I was surprised about myself? Sure, I was because my coping mechanism of grinning and bearing it just didn't work for me no matter how hard I was trying, and believe me, I hadn't left one trick out in the course of my ordeal. So, one day I stood up, mustered all my remaining courage and got right into all those morons' faces. Relentlessly, I picked one at a time and watched their pseudo power and influence over others vanish piece by piece. After I felt, I had completed my mission, I would forever turn away from those jerks and no longer give them the right time of day. What I did was deliberately starving them for attention by fully ignoring them. Back then I learnt that standing up for myself and fighting back (yes, occasionally literally) was the way to go for me. Now I am in my late forties and have to deal with the problem of being bullied myself again. For the second time in only three years I received a hate letter in which I am openly attacked, insulted, belittled and degraded anonymously. Too chicken- hearted to even put their names under their written assaults, let alone reveal their true identities to give me a fair chance to rise in combat again. What a bunch of gutless losers! Sorry, but I pay no respect whatsoever to anyone shooting from the hip in a cowardly ambush like this! Furthermore, I will not allow those bullies to feel good about themselves.
My explicit message to all those brainless instigators is simple: Choose your battles wisely, as if I find out who you are, I will destroy you. - Kids and teenagers must learn to open their mouths when it comes to them being pushed or shoved around, knocked down, bad- mouthed, and/ or physically harassed because once their dilemma is brought to light, there's just no more hiding for the predators in the dark and unknown. Again I'm focusing on the youngest ones among us to go and break a habit as old and as bad as bullying because unfortunately there are still too many adults out there who still prefer to just dodge and get away silently. We need to encourage our youth to yell out, "Stop, it's enough for once and all!" By verbalizing the psychological terror inflicted on the weakest, we will ever the more stand in solidarity against all those merciless perpetrators and eventually disarm them all. It has indeed become a heartfelt wish of mine to openly declare war on whoever thinks they can just barbarically and randomly torture, humiliate and destroy one's confidence as they wish.
Let's come together and form an alliance against all those dumb, heartless, unscrupulous, and reckless bullies. Let us all rise together and silence them with the help of a mantra which goes like this: "Karma does not sleep. Wait and see, what you sow, you will reap." - To all the bullies out there: Your time has expired!


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