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Strive For Independence

Strive For Independence - Hello everyone! - A woman I've known for quite a while reinforces her statement,"Thank God for medication!" rather frequently almost like a mantra for life. She represents millions on this continent who've seemingly all been successfully brainwashed by doctors, nurses, pharmaceutical reps, etc. What a shame really! In her early twenties her doctors performed a total hysterectomy mainly because she had insisted on following into her sisters footsteps. And here's the saddest thing of all, the doctors did not say stop but agreed! Always being moody and, well hormone wise imbalanced ever since, that woman quickly checked that goal off her medical bucket list and recruited for more surgical procedures of different origins followed by specific meds which she was kept on long enough to get her hooked. Today that woman is well in her sixties, has endured at least 20 different kinds of surgeries and is up to eight different daily must- meds. Just like everybody else here, she faithfully believes in the magic of being medically serviced, fixed and renewed like a vehicle. Actually it's not her fault as she grew up in a belief system that projects healing through frequent visits to the doctors and through multiple prescriptions. If there's anyone to be blamed for, it's the all mighty pharmaceutical lobbyists all over the world that have sacrificed their once so noble intent to greed and lust for profit. Medication is okay whenever needed to kill bacteria and should just be applied short- term. Any use beyond that is abuse though. Back to that woman who's received more medical attention in forty years than most of her peers in other parts of the industrial world in their entire lives.
She learnt fast and quickly began to use the medical system to her advantage. As long as she was still actively embedded in the work force, she could very well afford those bizarre escapades of seeking and getting medical care - sometimes even for several weeks in a row, so she could take some time off from work as a rule once or twice a year. Being a heavy smoker and a fast- food lover, she used to sleep most of her free time away because she's always battled with severe depression. Quite predictably, this rather sedentary and most unhealthy life- style caused a number of issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and of course, little surprising, a lack of exercise. As a consequence, her doctors suggested to take out a couple of veins in both her legs as was supposedly dealing with vascular plaques and other blockages. Okay, now she got blood thinners in addition to a handful of other meds tackling all the other problems mentions afore. On top of all of this, the woman does make sure, her access to the vast supply of beta blockers, which she was originally prescribed in order to cure some nerve damage in her arm, is continuously guaranteed. Well, hello there! Isn't it pretty obvious that this woman is addicted to some of her meds? And yet, her doctors keep prescribing more of those legal drugs. In my opinion, the whole system stinks!  Gee, I'm so grateful for every single day that I don't have to see a doctor here, and I'd really prefer to keep it like that for there's just no business to be made with me. - "Heal yourself" is not just some trendy catch phrase but in fact bears a great deal of truth. Being such an extra- ordinary biochemical factory, the human body is able to put up with quite a number of intruders. However, in order to heal, we'd better not swallow or inject any medication as it often messes with the original setup. Activate your self- healing powers by consciously staying away from the chemicals we daily put into or on our bodies through foods, cosmetics, medicaments, etc. The purer and more natural we become, the higher the potency our self- healing capacities will be. Free yourselves from those pharmaceutical slave drivers, and instead strive for total independence. Only then real healing will set in. 


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