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Rehoming Kids

Rehoming Kids - After a few days of trying to catch up with the latest scandal which has finally been brought to public attention, I still have a hard time to wrap my head around it. Rehoming is about getting rid of adopted children mainly from Asia, Africa and Russia by placing them with strangers. How this is done is not difficult to guess. Yes, the Internet makes even this possible. Some shoddy low lives created web pages through which children that were adopted but are no longer wanted could unnoticeably be trafficked to other families. No monetary transactions involved, so the press, but who knows, more details are yet to surface. How the heck is this possible, and how can such transfers have stayed under the radar like that? Are schools too lazy now as to look into a newly enrolled student's background? Does a shallow explanation like "He/ She is staying with friends now" really do? I am flabbergasted! What disgusts me even more though, how can anyone simply give up on a child they wanted so badly in their lives in the first place? Did those folks now being black- balled for the right reasons seriously assume for a second that raising someone else's child was going to be a piece of cake? As a matter of fact, most cases indicate troublesome roots or seeds and therefore bring a lot of challenges with them, so anyone in their right minds must at least have had a notion of a possible uphill battle waiting for them. This does certainly not imply that all kids given up for adoption are necessarily a must- prepare challenge of worst- case- scenario quality. It's more the likelihood of a potentially thorny path trod by those who are full- heartedly willing to accept and embrace the chance of bringing a stranger's child into their homes and raise it as if it were their own. This is definitely an all but easy adventure on both parts, and to some extent I can tell you a thing or two about this as well. At six my dad took me out of my mother's insufficient care and into his home which he shared with his girlfriend and her own daughter. Through marriage later on that woman became more than my new mum as she eventually replaced my biological mother. And believe me, she could have walked away many times as I was indeed a handful to straighten out and to turn into a relatively well- functioning human being, but she didn't because she cared about her promise to stay committed no matter what. Today I am very grateful for her ongoing endurance and patience. Adopting a child should never just occur based on a spontaneous impulse or an attempt to kill boredom or emotional emptiness. On the contrary, adoption should only be pursued if there's enough love in your heart to be capable of dealing with a kid that's not yours in both good and bad times. How can anyone be so selfish and cold- hearted to abandon a child and send it away? Can those people still find sleep at night, I wonder? We are all connected on a soul level and should thus treat each other with the due amount of respect. I've heard many say they've found folks in their lives who they feel much closer to than their own flesh and blood. This experience I can underline a hundred percent myself. So, if genetic family ties are not necessarily always the closest, why not trust the universe with the opportunity of being gifted with someone special through adoption? After all, who guarantees you that your own kids automatically turn out to be your lucky jackpot? Can adoption be considered a gamble? To some degree yes, but in my opinion it is absolutely worth attempting. Rehoming sadly takes on such a negative connotation in this context. Therefore the whole adoption scam must be stopped for once and all. This we owe to all the children out there that are waiting to be given another chance. 


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