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What If? - Good Morning everyone! - Just the other day I was following another aggravating segment of news on an increase in taxation which sparked an interesting private discussion. What if people solidly stood up together and said, "Enough, it's gone way too far" with regard to many things we consider most natural but just don't feel right. I was thinking of John Lennon's statement which went something like this: "What if there's war, but nobody showed up?" and started wondering what such a situation would be like if it were just like that? Of course, this will most likely remain a purely hypothetical question, but seriously what would the aggressors or war lords of passive nations do if not one soldier came to execute their war conflicts, no matter if manned or unmanned? Nothing, that's exactly right. No blood would be shed, and no gun would be fired. Wouldn't that be the coolest answer to this form of idiocy? - What would happen if people said, "Stop it, we can't take any more tax hikes!"? Collectively, we have more power than we may think. Actually, we own all the power.
No doubt, we need to contribute tax- wise as to maintain the social structures and amenities we've got used to, but what if folks decided it was too much in some countries, got together and started to utilize the power of masses? What if we all said, "No, we are no longer willing to pay any more?"? Violence would hail down on us first, lots of it, for sure plus whatever usually comes with packages like these such as threats, penalties, scare tactics, etc. However, could the governments seriously control a situation like this? I doubt it. Would they send their militaries and have them shoot at their own families? Would they try and drag us to court and then incarcerate us all? I don't think so, as the jails are already filled beyond capacity worldwide. - What if we altogether decided, "Enough of all this violence on earth!"and stopped feeding into this constant stream of never- ending negativity which keeps manipulating us cleverly via mass and social media 24/7? Right, they could turn their cameras off, close their sites and keep it all shut off for there would be no more well- calculated response. Instead silence would fill that vacuum. - Why have I picked this topic? Well, I feel that the battle between light and darkness, good and evil, peace and conflict, etc. is in nobody's but our hands. The scale could tip from bad to worse any day because even if times have changed, they haven't improved a bit but just got different and worse. In order to stabilize rather than just temporally stop the growing avalanche from dragging everything with it, we should give the following fact a serious thought. Instead of getting together and connecting more frequently, we have clearly been growing apart. We need to raise awareness of the unbreakable universal link between all of us which we may easily deny but never rid ourselves of. No question, all of this is just utopian wishful thinking wanting the whole mankind to head into one and the same direction. However, on a singular or rather individual level, we are pretty much like small shot. Once fired off we leave the sheltering entity and splinter all over the place, so to speak. Strength and impact, though, lie in the collective forces only. Take laser for instance, where multiple small beams are bundled into one strong source of power. Got it? Only together we are strong! Let's turn this our wold into a better and more loving place after all!


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