Don't Cast The First Stone - Good Morning Mother Earth! - Isn't it funny how much we generally counteract rules labeled with Political Correctness? The more we try and stick to certain guidelines telling us what is taboo and what is still permissible, the more we fail and the deeper we fall once we get caught. Actually, this is neither funny nor surprising but flat out sad. We are not supposed to say what is on our minds using the words that come with it as this is considered unethical, mean, thoughtless, dumb, inappropriate, scandalous, and God knows what else. And yet, it's perfectly okay to allow people to swear like truckers on national TV because just a few bleeps later it all seems to be forgotten and forgiven again. This is ridiculous and does not make any sense whatsoever! This country was founded on a number of constitutional amendments, one of which is Freedom of Speech. Good to read on paper indeed but in my opinion not quite practiced the way it ought to be. Don't get me wrong, we certainly shouldn't be handed the reign to call each other out by throwing around with nasty and inconsiderate verbal insults. However, if someone publicly slips once and gets caught, there shouldn't be made a big fuss about it especially after that somebody apologizes on TV. I cannot believe that some folks standing behind certain TV- stations have the nerve to publicly condemn anyone just because they slipped once in their entire careers! A bunch of hypocrites are all those who dare cast the first stone! We are all human, and even though we are supposed to steer clear of unnecessary and uncalled offensive utterances, we still err because that's what we all do as nobody is perfect. For God's sake, get off you high horses and reflect upon all your own little weaknesses. And before you point at anyone, just make sure that you have cleaned your own backyards well! - Psychologically speaking, the more we try to restrict, contain, mould, and shape each other against our true nature, by the way, the more likely we will fall off the wagon. The harder we try to shut each other up, the easier it will be to blurt out what we are not expected to say at all. The more pressure we put on our society to teach it how to behave correctly where and when, the greater the social implosion will impact us all. Throughout the history of mankind one race has repeatedly caused tremendous and irrevocable damage to other races. Now it's only logical that the victims start fighting back - thank God mostly verbally which is still better than psychically. Anyways, in return, the perpetrators now complain about their reactions and gear up for pay back. A vicious circle indeed! We've got to stop right here! It does not work the way we think it should by forbidding each other (all races) to use certain derogatory terms and expressions! We are all stuck in the karmic grinds of what comes around goes around. We shan't condemn one individual trying to set a hypocritical example as this will never lead to a mutually satisfying outcome ever! Unfortunately, in this country as high as someone may ascend through public fame and fortune, - by the way, much higher than anywhere else, it seems - as deep and hard they are bound to fall if anything they say or do violates the codex of high morals. This truly concerns me as the folks here are certainly not any different, better or any less faulty than those living in other parts of the world.
They say, it takes one to know one. Well, I've got to admit that I have put my foot in my mouth countless times with quite different and partly severe and permanent consequences. However, I'm still of the opinion that one should be forgiven if they muster all their courage to say "I'm sorry!". Someone who falls and gets up again or rather slips and regrets to me is more honest and more of a good person than anyone hiding behind others ready to grab the first stone to cast.
They say, it takes one to know one. Well, I've got to admit that I have put my foot in my mouth countless times with quite different and partly severe and permanent consequences. However, I'm still of the opinion that one should be forgiven if they muster all their courage to say "I'm sorry!". Someone who falls and gets up again or rather slips and regrets to me is more honest and more of a good person than anyone hiding behind others ready to grab the first stone to cast.
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