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Transition - Good Morning to all! - The latest heinous act of terror in Boston seems to be proving the astrologically supported theory of mankind slowly transitioning into a new era. Two thousand years of Pisces during which the Roman Catholic Church has ruled with an incredibly iron fist by means of fear and merciless and judgmental craze of persecutive violence are finally coming to an end. Pisces is commonly interpreted as a rather complex sign with two possible ways to go as seen in the symbol itself with the two fish pointing into opposite directions. Painting everything black and white, one could say, there's either the sinner or the saint but hardly any medium. The ruler planet Neptune is known for its illusive and deceptive energies with the option of climbing the higher octave of breaking through and ultimately tapping into spirituality and absolute compassion. Even if there is no valid statement such as some signs being better than others, I personally consider Pisces one of my top favorites among the twelve zodiac signs. I truly see a major but very rewarding challenge in walking the path that originates in the dark and gradually leads into the light. Most likely, the symbol of the fish was adopted by the Catholic Church for reasons different from the basic concepts of Pisces, but subliminally they started to eventually take over exactly these notions. Anyway, we are or rather have been on the threshold to an entirely new and different sign, the sign of Aquarius for quite a while actually. The New Age in fact unleashed its commencement with the outbreak of The French Revolution in 1789, around the same time the planet Uranus was discovered (1781). Ever since our planet Earth has witnessed many violent outbreaks, war conflicts and terror attacks, almost giving the impression a little as if the era of Pisces did not want to leave. In the meantime Aquarius has been trying repeatedly to establish and settle his energies, and that's why we are dealing with more violence than ever. The new kid on the block, so to speak, is still struggling to take over as the old and long- established king is not willing as of yet to part with his power and influence. Aquarius did actually not start teething until the 1800 with the Industrial Revolution and great inventions thrusting mankind into a long needed overhaul close to the new millennium. The late 1960 gave way to the (in)famous movement of liberation, spanning from women's emancipation to sexual awakening and racial freedom. As can be seen, Aquarius is the humanitarian sign number one which also thrives towards curiously exploring anything scientifically beyond their known limits. Its cycle will last just as long as each other sign's time in the limelight. This transition reminds me of an endlessly long and harsh winter that just refuses to make space for spring to finally spread its wings. Thus only being a matter of time, Aquarius will eventually move in and lay out its foundations. No more boundaries to anything implies that we're refusing ever the more to be chained to fear and terror for the sake of control. We will piece by piece hatch out of this shell of burdening and separating restrictions. Instead we will worship compassion and love for one another due to our true nature, and this will be the right step towards uniting our planet again. I love it! As disheartening as it was to digest the first few media impressions after the Boston Marathon incident, as beautiful and encouraging it is to have witnessed this massive public outpour. Hundreds of volunteers, medical staff as well as random by- standers selflessly leapt into action demonstrating an act of unconditional and compassionate effort to save the lives of hundreds of people. There is just no doubt in my mind, the darkness is almost over as the light is swallowing it up bit by bit while illuminating the path to come with every day. Hallelujah!


  1. Very Interesting view .
    Looking forward to your next comment .

  2. a very strong piece!!! I loved reading it and maybe now understanding the place that the horoscopes signs plays in our lives and the world....


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