Mind Your Own Business Do you still recall the good old times when people stopped you on the street to say Hello and exchange a few words with you? Remember those days when everyone seemed to be in an cheerful and laid- back mood and even carried treats in their pockets for the kids?
Back then, at least in smaller villages, towns and communities, people knew each other.
Today only 40 years later, however, it is all different. Sometimes I feel that nobody really wants to know you, talk to you, let alone share their candy with the little ones anymore. These days you are in fact better off not sticking your nose into people's lives at all as you might easily be offended, to say the least. - Just listen to what I ran into just by trying to be friendly. Last late winter, we stopped at a Staples Office Store on our way back from work. While my husband was making copies, I was waiting in the van. I saw a woman leave the store as she was pushing a shopping cart which was filled to the brim. After having successfully steered it across the parking lot to where her car was parked, I could tell that she was in some kind of problem as she obviously didn't want to let go off her shopping load but couldn't find the keys to her car. Believing that I might be helping her keep an eye on her stuff while she was going through her pocket- book, I finally slipped off my seat and walked over to her.
"You need a hand?", I asked her. She looked up from her mess and barked at me, "You a cop or what?" - "No", I shook my head. "What the f*** ya want?", she growled. I simply could not grasp what was going on right there and then but gave it another shot. "Well, I saw you struggle, and so I thought, I could be of help", I was stammering trying hard to keep my act together. "You got a f*ing problem?" - "No", I protested inaudibly. I was now the one who was clearly in distress.
"I'm sorry, I was just trying to be polite nothing else", I apologized and literally started to back off. "Get the f*** away from me, and mind you own f*ing business!" She was screaming now, and while she was throwing a temper tantrum like a three- year- old, I disappeared and snuck back into the van. - What the hell is wrong with people? - Here's another incident which happened back in 07 on our honeymoon and which put the fear of God into me. We had been driving all day, and it had got dark already. We were passing lanes on a highway somewhere in Indiana, I believe, and happened to cut someone off. That someone instantaneously metamorphosed into an absolutely raging maniac and started to recklessly chase us. We tried to shake him off and even took an exit last minute, but since he was more or less glued to our bumper, sure enough, he, too, exited just in time. And this is where it really started to get dangerous as the road we were on dead- ended at a deserted and poorly- lit motel plus parking lot. My husband somehow managed to do a U- turn in his big Lincoln, but for a few seconds this psychopath was riding right next to us. He had rolled the window down and was swearing like a trooper. "You mother f*er, I gonna f*ing kill ya!" I really tried to give him the
I'm- as- cool- as- a-cucumber- look, but inside I was screaming. We were lucky and lost him after ten more nerve- racking minutes back on the highway. I really felt I had just finished a marathon as my adrenaline levels were through the roof. - On another occasion a few years ago, we were having lunch at an all- you- can- eat- buffet place. I was going to get some food when my husband asked me to wait a minute or two. "Why?" I was confused. "Because those guys there are gang guys, and I don't want you to go up there and get in trouble", he explained calmly. Now I got mad. "What's this supposed to mean?" - "Hush, that's what I'm talking about. Your mouth might get you in trouble. Those scumbags won't put up with your attitude but might stab or shoot you." - Holy Frijoles! Really? I was speechless. "Here you are only safe as long as you avoid eye contact and go after your own business", I was told. Okay, okay, message received although I will never get used to this.
Back then, at least in smaller villages, towns and communities, people knew each other.
Today only 40 years later, however, it is all different. Sometimes I feel that nobody really wants to know you, talk to you, let alone share their candy with the little ones anymore. These days you are in fact better off not sticking your nose into people's lives at all as you might easily be offended, to say the least. - Just listen to what I ran into just by trying to be friendly. Last late winter, we stopped at a Staples Office Store on our way back from work. While my husband was making copies, I was waiting in the van. I saw a woman leave the store as she was pushing a shopping cart which was filled to the brim. After having successfully steered it across the parking lot to where her car was parked, I could tell that she was in some kind of problem as she obviously didn't want to let go off her shopping load but couldn't find the keys to her car. Believing that I might be helping her keep an eye on her stuff while she was going through her pocket- book, I finally slipped off my seat and walked over to her.
"You need a hand?", I asked her. She looked up from her mess and barked at me, "You a cop or what?" - "No", I shook my head. "What the f*** ya want?", she growled. I simply could not grasp what was going on right there and then but gave it another shot. "Well, I saw you struggle, and so I thought, I could be of help", I was stammering trying hard to keep my act together. "You got a f*ing problem?" - "No", I protested inaudibly. I was now the one who was clearly in distress.
"I'm sorry, I was just trying to be polite nothing else", I apologized and literally started to back off. "Get the f*** away from me, and mind you own f*ing business!" She was screaming now, and while she was throwing a temper tantrum like a three- year- old, I disappeared and snuck back into the van. - What the hell is wrong with people? - Here's another incident which happened back in 07 on our honeymoon and which put the fear of God into me. We had been driving all day, and it had got dark already. We were passing lanes on a highway somewhere in Indiana, I believe, and happened to cut someone off. That someone instantaneously metamorphosed into an absolutely raging maniac and started to recklessly chase us. We tried to shake him off and even took an exit last minute, but since he was more or less glued to our bumper, sure enough, he, too, exited just in time. And this is where it really started to get dangerous as the road we were on dead- ended at a deserted and poorly- lit motel plus parking lot. My husband somehow managed to do a U- turn in his big Lincoln, but for a few seconds this psychopath was riding right next to us. He had rolled the window down and was swearing like a trooper. "You mother f*er, I gonna f*ing kill ya!" I really tried to give him the
I'm- as- cool- as- a-cucumber- look, but inside I was screaming. We were lucky and lost him after ten more nerve- racking minutes back on the highway. I really felt I had just finished a marathon as my adrenaline levels were through the roof. - On another occasion a few years ago, we were having lunch at an all- you- can- eat- buffet place. I was going to get some food when my husband asked me to wait a minute or two. "Why?" I was confused. "Because those guys there are gang guys, and I don't want you to go up there and get in trouble", he explained calmly. Now I got mad. "What's this supposed to mean?" - "Hush, that's what I'm talking about. Your mouth might get you in trouble. Those scumbags won't put up with your attitude but might stab or shoot you." - Holy Frijoles! Really? I was speechless. "Here you are only safe as long as you avoid eye contact and go after your own business", I was told. Okay, okay, message received although I will never get used to this.
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