Fake Friends Good Morning Planet Earth! - Another quite unpleasant incident with a supposedly dear friend of my husband's over the last weekend upset me enough to make it to the top of the hot topics list for my blog. I am truly tired and sick of people claiming to be our friends, which is all hunky- dory when they need our labor but turn their backs on us the moment we walk out through their front doors. That specific friend called my hubby last Friday afternoon and asked for help, and of course, because he considered himself a friend due to a promise he had given to her late husband, he jumped into his car and went there. He came home and explained that she had not paid him but suggested to trade instead. "Fine", I said, "just make sure, she sticks to her promise." - "Don't you worry, she is a friend." These words are still echoing in my ears. Great pal indeed! Sunday afternoon she called to let us know that other friends of hers were going to take what she had so generously given to us only two days prior. "You were right on the money with your suspicion," my husband assured me that day. I'm absolutely not in a victorious mood just because I had been able to call that. No, I'm actually quite pissed to tell you the truth. - I've so had enough of all this bull crap here that I could just ralph left and right at times. More and more I'm getting the impression that the term friendship has been washed out entirely. Folks proudly boast they have hundreds if not thousands of virtual friends on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. - Serious? What the fudge are virtual friends? People you have absolutely zippo clue about and most likely never will?
- Men and women you share pictures, sayings, quotes, and recommendations with? - Really?
You've got to be kidding me! Don't think of me as another hypocrite when I tell you that I am just as much part of the Facebook community as everyone else. Most of the time I like "befriending" people as well, but I'm by no means delusional about 90% being merely internet acquaintances. I must sound utterly apologetic to most of my contacts, acquaintances, people I know, pen friends, etc. when I say, I'm afraid, but there's just not much more to it - bottom line. Yes, believe me, even grumpy Me does have friends, real friends from the real world! And I'm so grateful for each and everyone because none of my friendships were created by just exchanging phone numbers or clicking on friends requests. Nor have I ever pretended to be friends with someone just because my parents, siblings, husband or well, friends think or expect that I do so. As a golden rule, I pick my own friends, always have and always will. For sure, I've forever labelled myself as the queen of acquaintances as I've met quite a few people through my university years, my teaching days and now my singing career. Take fans for instance. Fans are people that follow us because of our voices, personalities, humor, showmanship, and so on. Lots of them are true fanatics, and some even turn out to be full- blown stalkers. Fans are fans but not necessarily friends but may potentially become such. I like some better than others because they have proven friendship qualities. Anyhow, in my opinion, real friends are such that go out of their ways for you to help and be there for you if necessary. Not that I'd be excitedly waiting for emergency situations to happen just to call me out, but my friends in Austria could call me in the middle of the night, and I would get dressed, hop in my car , and go there - no matter what. Friends are clearly not any random folks you run into or happen to find somewhere just because they are there, or even worse celebrities you feel like stalking or such you automatically inherit through birth or marriage. And last but not least, do yourselves a grand favor, and stay away from a those genuinely fake friends that continuously talk about how much they will be there for you always and b from those who keep making you feel guilty all the time. True friends don't do that but are just there for you without constantly reminding you. It's as simple as that.
- Men and women you share pictures, sayings, quotes, and recommendations with? - Really?
You've got to be kidding me! Don't think of me as another hypocrite when I tell you that I am just as much part of the Facebook community as everyone else. Most of the time I like "befriending" people as well, but I'm by no means delusional about 90% being merely internet acquaintances. I must sound utterly apologetic to most of my contacts, acquaintances, people I know, pen friends, etc. when I say, I'm afraid, but there's just not much more to it - bottom line. Yes, believe me, even grumpy Me does have friends, real friends from the real world! And I'm so grateful for each and everyone because none of my friendships were created by just exchanging phone numbers or clicking on friends requests. Nor have I ever pretended to be friends with someone just because my parents, siblings, husband or well, friends think or expect that I do so. As a golden rule, I pick my own friends, always have and always will. For sure, I've forever labelled myself as the queen of acquaintances as I've met quite a few people through my university years, my teaching days and now my singing career. Take fans for instance. Fans are people that follow us because of our voices, personalities, humor, showmanship, and so on. Lots of them are true fanatics, and some even turn out to be full- blown stalkers. Fans are fans but not necessarily friends but may potentially become such. I like some better than others because they have proven friendship qualities. Anyhow, in my opinion, real friends are such that go out of their ways for you to help and be there for you if necessary. Not that I'd be excitedly waiting for emergency situations to happen just to call me out, but my friends in Austria could call me in the middle of the night, and I would get dressed, hop in my car , and go there - no matter what. Friends are clearly not any random folks you run into or happen to find somewhere just because they are there, or even worse celebrities you feel like stalking or such you automatically inherit through birth or marriage. And last but not least, do yourselves a grand favor, and stay away from a those genuinely fake friends that continuously talk about how much they will be there for you always and b from those who keep making you feel guilty all the time. True friends don't do that but are just there for you without constantly reminding you. It's as simple as that.
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