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Careful What You Wish For (III)

Careful What You Wish For (III) - Dreams, I am certain, are not just something to be remotely  viewed from a safe distance on a level of either fear or envy but are definitely there to be toyed with, considered, forged and ultimately put in perspective with respect to one's personal means, skills, experience, etc., so they can be realized, for good. - Say you want to reach fame and fortune. You can definitely wish for that as long as the chances to its fulfillment are realistic and are based entirely at your own accord. Alright, let's further assume, you have indeed got what it takes in terms of talent, looks and personality. No matter what, you still need to put some good old elbow grease into it to end up in the right place, at the right time, under the right sort of circumstances and surrounded by the right kind of people. Not quite enough yet, a whole lot of stamina and perseverance is required, regardless of what the world throws at you on the way to your goal. No setback is ever to be taken final, and no rejection means that it's over for once and all. No, it rather means that you need to dig your heels in deeper, that's all - while continuously trusting in your individual powers. Particularly in iffy times when your journey becomes rocky, resembling more of a risky high- wire walk than anything else, some of us tend to directly demand external and most importantly immediate assistance. Well, just be aware, if you call for the devil, he will show up and boost those toxic thoughts of yours of getting where you desire to be rather yesterday than tomorrow. Above all, he will sweeten the deal with the promise of all your expectations to be exceeded by far. Countless times, the devil has answered the desperados' calls spot- on and without any delay, and by no means, has he ever forgone his pledge of delivering whatever has been requested to meet and satisfy their dreams and wishes to the point of both full fruition and satisfaction. In the very same manner, he has never quite let up, much less skipped the time of reaping what was ultimately sowed exclusively with his help and intervention. Once the moment has come to pay your debts, there is no getting out or away. Just like an insect, helplessly caught in a cobweb, you will eventually experience being eaten by that spider. Although this does not necessarily imply that you will be devoured yourself, all too often, you may virtually feel like being torn apart alive as you're basically deemed to bear witness to loved ones being ripped out of your life in quite an untimely fashion while everything else around you seems to be falling apart. In the end, you may even lose your own health, riches, prestige, and God knows what else. Talking about health, hundreds of thousands of patients increasingly obsess with the wish for THE golden cure, the sicker they get. Such, however, does not exist due to its merely deceptive and illusional nature. Being said to generally hide in the detail, the devil not seldom functions like an MC. Just take the Big Pharma, the Health Industry and, last but not least, the Insurance Companies which once all agreed to get into a pact with Satan himself. So far, the recipients, patients those are, have been on the losing end over and over again. I suppose, nobody seriously strives to be unwell. However, sadly enough, most of us have detached from nature, healthy life choices and styles, religious beliefs or rather faith, traditions, true life purpose, social contacts, spirituality, and much more. Let's face it, as Egos we have simply become oblivious to certain natural rhythms such as the Circadian cycle, ingestion and digestion, activity versus inactivity, just to name a few. What's more, just add a sugar load of stress and hectics to that growing array of foreign rhythms, and the trap leading to illnesses and diseases opens wide enough to likely plunge in at last. In the majority of cases, your health cannot and will not be miraculously restored with the help of pharmaceutical drugs alone, much less in a spontaneous or prompt manner. Just think about this for a single moment. A heavy and regular smoker of +20 years receives the diagnosis of being in the final stages of lung cancer. Don't tell me he was not aware of the risks. Quite apparently, he chose to ignore them and ultimately kept smoking. No radiation or chemo on this planet will effectively tackle and eradicate the existing tumor(s) at that point in the game. A morbidly obese individual, on the other hand, caves the path to Diabetes II, hypertension, coronary/ pulmonary and other potentially life- threatening diseases more or less consciously and is therefore unlikely to be cured exclusively through the most commonly used medications. - Do you want to be(come) healthy, for real? Okay, then stop doing what you have been doing up to present and bring drastic change to your life. Quit smoking, give up drinking, stop gorging yourself, etc. and finally take matters into your own hands. Needless to say, change takes effort, quite a bit, in fact, if you really wish to reverse whatever condition you have ultimately got yourself into. Throughout the German- speaking world we have a popular saying which goes like this: "Help yourself, and God will aide you." Well, in this regard, I expect the exact opposite to be true for the devil. - Anyway, stay true to yourself at all times, and remain in full control of your own dreams and goals in life. Dream big, take off and enjoy the flight, but make sure that you finally get back on the ground safely.                 


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