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Striving For Balance (II)

Striving For Balance (II) - "There's a time for everything in life", I've been told many times usually by older and wiser folks. We shouldn't necessarily take this statement literally but rather acknowledge the nature of balance it entails. - I have seen quite a few fidgets growing sedentary over time as much as unusually stationary kids eventually transforming into livelier versions of themselves. - Often times to their own great surprise, lazy bums lastly somehow manage to turn their inert lives around, and vice versa, overly and hyperactive humans may finally learn to calm down and enjoy their time here without all the stress and hassle. - Success, wealth and status quo may ultimately be traded for a much simpler and more frugale future without the headaches that spring from such high- maintenance lifestyles. - Those, who did not have the privilege of a carefree childhood might later on instinctively seek playful ways of compensation in order to catch up on missed- out fun and excitement. - There's a time for talking and then again just for silence. - Confrontation naturally calls for retreat in turn. - Motion needs to come to a halt, at least, temporarily before resuming its momentum at some point. - Too much of whatever gained, acquired or collected won't but aim at its typically cyclic depletion before refilling. - In quite the same manner, any one- sidedness established over time, be it mental, emotional, physical or spiritual even, will in the long run find its inevitable equalization through the lack of just another field. In other words, an excessive focus on mental will be attracting alignment in physical form sooner or later. - I have heard people say that due to longterm abuse of caffeine, their bodies no longer tolerate coffee at all. - In my early thirties, it still struck me as rather odd to believe that one could gradually become spiritual and at the same time renounce any narcotics including smoking and drinking. In utter awe, I came to find out within that very decade that because I had kept clinging onto some of those vices a little too much and also too long, I, too, was beginning to undergo change with respect to that. One day, I deemed that I had just smoked enough cigarettes, and so I quit. - Life being a precious divine gift, it simply makes me believe that we can only exhaust certain means as long as our personal wells allow. No doubt, due to the fact that in many parts of the world we are nowadays luckily granted the freedom to decide over our own lives, it has, in fact, become our choice of how much and how quickly we exert ourselves and so use up the individually given and clearly limited amounts of steps, breaths, heartbeats, etc. Again, the only indicator here is time alone, and most reliably time never fails to tell when those pools are finally all drained. That, too, is balance in its very own fashion and right. - At 23, I lost a student friend in a car accident abroad. While deeply mourning his untimely death at age 22, I just couldn't help thinking that that kid had lived his life to the fullest and must therefore have reached the end of his cycle that time around. He had been much more mature and grown- up than all of our group would ever be, so he just left because he must have been done already. Balance had just struck again regardless of grieving family and friends. - On the other hand, I have repeatedly sat with seniors from whom I might have expected respect, sincerity, consideration, and wisdom but instead end up being disappointed because they just do not behave according to their age. I am not contradicting myself in my claim that balance will take care of that delay at its own time. - Responsible for any of that is simply the natural strife for balance, no matter if we are aware of it at all and willing, too, of course. It often seems that fate just happens to bring balance into our lives, even though, it becomes impossible to pinpoint who actually gets how much of their share and at what time exactly. Many an outspoken extremist, irredeemable nihilist, helplessly indoctrinated follower or stone- cold slick individual may still be perceived as such even after several decades. However, as a complete outsider, we just never know, for sure, whether they have not yet been impacted by the principle of balance one way or another either. Even with those believed to be irrevocable hardliners, I just cannot imagine that balance would ever make an exception of total absence. - If we can feasibly draw a line of distinction between matters and situations that are put into their naturally assigned alignment, with or without our personal consent or knowledge, we shall come to ultimately respect them for what they are. All too often, life tends to bring about sudden drastic changes which - despite of the mere sake of healthy compensation - we rarely ever welcome, at first. I would definitely call such unwanted since mostly uncomfortable or just inconvenient turns conjured up through our own unwillingness and refusal to compromise in a timely fashion. Anyway, whoever fights to actively go about change required to balance out hindering and long overdue inequalities often gets caught with their pants down completely incapable to determine its course or its speed. However, those, who acceptingly embrace that kind of change they know happens either way, usually handle it far better than the ones who consider themselves much too perplexed or overwhelmed. To a substantial extent, wisdom clearly serves as the key in this sort of process because, after all, with the necessary insight gained, we will not just become fundamentally perceptive overall but starved and expectant enough for maturity. Only then will we develop complete control over what is actually in need of being aligned with reference to both priority and importance.    


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