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Serving Two Masters

Serving Two Masters - Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog site! - Say, have you ever tried to pull and push at the same time? Rather awkward, to say the least. In Tai Chi the teacher once explained to us that by bringing both antagonistic forces into play simultaneously, you will quickly impact and ultimately disrupt your opponent's balance to your advantage. Although this may be true, one can apply the tug and shove effort only to the point where it ultimately renders itself impossible ad finitum. Existing in a realm of fundamentally dual character which permeates just any aspect of life, we can take or rather hold mid- position within all of that gloriously praised state of impartiality only that long. I believe that life in general forces us to not just polarize on many occasions but quite apart from that to also settle with one of the two poles in question at last. Those who constantly try so desperately to side with two opposites will eventually learn the hard way that there is simply no way to have their cake and eat it, too. Life itself will teach them a bitter lesson which frequently entails rejection and abandonment by either side. - On that note, we can impossibly claim that we like and thus sympathize with both domestic parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, in one and the same breath. Sure, we all have the good right to put both on neutral grounds and leave them there for some time, but, you see, with the slightest sign of commitment partiality will be required. - Although there are exceptions to the rule, we cannot seriously operate on the assumption that by devouring anything and as much of it as we like, we will somehow keep our weight in check or maybe even slim down. No question, deviating from one's healthy nutritional regimen for a day or two every now and then won't hurt anyone, but consuming too many calories all the time will pack on the pounds, period. - We just cannot remain sitting on the fence assuring the world that we worship God when in reality we are actually the Devil's. I am definitely not saying that we ought to just be thinking in black or white, nor would I ever seriously want to suggest that we categorize everyone accordingly due to their preference of light over darkness and vice versa. However, since we dwell in a world of contrariety, we overall find ourselves incapable of strictly separating good from evil. Regardless of how light or dark we are on the inside, life requests of us to execute our actions and reactions alike on the premise of absolutely free will. Depending on our individually Karmic history and resulting circumstances, the choice is indeed ours, for the most part. - The step of joining any kind of regulated organization, establishment, association, or other groups, automatically comes with a rather specific set of rules usually documented in writing within their own statutes. - In the case of a sport's club membership, you are not supposed to hang with rivaling teams but rather with your kind as this sort of behavior would clearly undermine the team's moral. - You are definitely considered disloyal when you work for a special company and then commit espionage for the sake of another business you favor. As a consequence, you can and will no longer be trusted should you even get a second chance. - If you are part of a church or cult, you are expected to follow their rules. Therefore, if the flock you belong to is strictly "advised" to steer clear of certain events or ways of life, why exactly would you violate that principle? - Bisexuals may share their desires with both sexes, alright, but loving a man and a woman at one and the same time and, what's more, with the very same intensity is just not possible. On the other hand, the endeavor of living their tendencies just not concurrently but rather alternately will likely be crowned with more success, I would think. - It all boils down to a fairly simple conclusion. At one point, we will have to decide which camp we prefer to join as there is just no running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. Whether we like it or not, we will ultimately have no choice but need to swing to one or the other side of whatever nature. - We can't pretend we are striving towards becoming like saints as long as we still leave countless traces of proof of how much we enjoy the life of sinners. We need to place our clear choice as to whom we wish to please and who we shall turn our backs to. Lukewarm decisions are the worst and will at first lead to accordingly blurry responses and lastly to being suspended by both parties. It is certainly much easier to handle rejection and exclusion on part of one side rather than by both.          


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