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The Devil In Sheep's Clothing (III)

The Devil In Sheep's Clothing (III) - This is step 4 according to Debbie McDaniel: Trust the discernment and wisdom of God's Spirit living through your life. The according Bible verse she refers to in the following states: "[...] ... false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible even the elect. [...]" Matthew 24: 23- 25. - Well, I reckon that at this point in the unbelievably brazen "refugee" game, most of us commoners have meanwhile seen through our political representatives' ill intentions of allegedly repopulating Europe. Surely, we have already detected the nature of that grand scheme as utterly deceptive and its manipulators as merely false prophets. And quite evidently, it is primarily the elect in charge that evoke the most sustainable impact on their peoples. Unless the hardliners amongst them are actively planning for an ideal escape strategy, how else can they sell their countries like that to the epitome of illiterate and repressed societies by forcing them onto an entire continent? How can they just go about sacrificing millennia of most valuable history plus priceless cultural inheritance to primitive savages whose primary goal appears to be wiping out all the non- believers that are not willing to follow suit concerning their unthinkably backward ways of life. Inevitably, such incites the thought of having sealed a deal with the Devil himself as ruthlessly as matters are being pushed upon us. 12 additional millions of migrants are not just expected but virtually begged to come and stay in Germany. As a result, about 86 million Germans will be squaring off to roughly +15 million Muslims! Just let that sink in for a moment. France, England and Belgium combined should point at a total of 30 million peoples of Islamic belief sooner than later. Wow! No matter, how you turn it all around, Islam does not and will not fit into Europe ever ideology- wise. I wonder, has Christianity become too much of a burden to the world leaders that they might therefore wish for it to be replaced by a religion which has the potential of throwing us all back centuries? Furthermore, this begs the legitimate question whether those male leaders actually fear female equality that much since they appear to have no scruples whatsoever to watch us move back into complete suppression through male dominance? What is the worth of human life to those individuals anyway? It looks like they are just fine with the fact that most of those young male savages coming to Europe finally need to lose their virginity. After all, their faith does not allow pre- marital sex. However, the lowest social class is often too illiterate and too poor to ever find a match for matrimony. Go figure! So, is it okay for those males to get their way by our politicians pardoning them as they keep raping any female aged 10 to 90? What if those victims were also to be found in the families of those setting the global agenda? Well, for some reason, I just can't help thinking that those big cheeses won't be living among us much longer but might, in fact, have long sought out the perfect refuge for themselves, for instance, somewhere in South America, the hotbed for thousands of post- WWII Nazis of all ranks. - Back to step 4 and its message. I suppose, most of us have by now figured out what the entire farce is basically about because we can definitely tell that nothing about the entire matter regarding honest compassion and empathy feels right anymore. With the final step, Debbie McDaniel provides us with a fairly clear guideline as how to deal with the present situation at hand including its aftermath. Hence, you might want to come back for just another da capo.


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