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Fear No Clerical Hypocrisy

Fear No Clerical Hypocrisy - Hello everyone! - "See to it, that your fear of God be not hypocrisy." [Johann Sebastian Bach] - Paradoxically, man just does not seem to immanently strive to "obey" by means of love, understanding, compassion and other positive enhancers but rather contrarily by fear, terror, submission and alike. Most presumably, such was not what Jesus Christ ever had in mind for humankind when he rallied the peers of his time around him to call into life what became known as the movement of Early Christianity later on. It is also hard to imagine that Peter might have had such a dystopian concept of what we would turn into when he founded the very first Christian church built both on and of stone (Latin petra/ petrae for rock/ stone). Its origins used to be all genuine and true with regard to its most fundamental dogmatic beliefs, but with the 2nd Council of Constantinople or rather the 5th Ecumenical Council, this should ultimately all be subjected to most drastic changes. You see, had those roughly 3000 bishops - representatives of both, the Western (Europe/ Rome) and the Eastern Empire (Byzantine with Constantinople as its capital) - prior to that 'merely' been debating and disputing the commonly applied terminologies as well as the general perception of Jesus Christ as being part human and part divine, Mary Mother of God and the Holy Spirit coming from both God, The Father and The Son, a woman, of all people, was about to cause an earthquake of unparalleled magnitude. Theodora, the perfect stereotype of a classical whore, had been sleeping her way through to numerous influential and high ranking public figures and ultimately up to the emperor Justinian's bedchamber. Hell- bent to achieve the highest of status ever possible, Theodora would not stop until she was finally - along with her husband Justinian - worshipped as a true deity. Apostolic Christianity primarily based their beliefs on the theory of Reincarnation according to which we all possess immortal souls that take on new bodies (in carne = coming into flesh) with the specific purpose of learning how to successfully correct past wrongdoings on ourselves and others. After an infinite period of time (eons) and countlessly lived lives, we shall return to an unconditionally loving, unbiased, forgiving and compassionate God once we have become like Him again. Well, quite understandably, Theodora had good reason to fear that that deeply rooted concept of Reincarnation would ultimately jeopardize and take away from her already Godlike image. Therefore, she joined forces with sympathizers as well as monks inclined to monophysitism [Eutyches had combined the two natures of Jesus Christ into one semi- divine one] to start her vicious warfare on Reincarnation. At the 5th Ecumenical Council in 553 AD, which was said to have been all perfectly rigged in Theodoras' by then posthume favor, at last only 165 out of 3000 bishops sanctioned off the abolishment and removal of Reincarnation as the base of primitive Christianity from any future bible edition. In the meantime, Constantinople had split away from the Western Empire (Rome) and even unseated the Pope. The earliest Evangelic scripts acknowledging Origines and Basilides as the originators of the theory of Reincarnation were consequently banned and labeled as heretic material. Certainly not by coincidence did the world's oldest and most extensive library in Alexandria, Egypt burn down in 389 AD but was rather deliberately destroyed by the fanatic patriarch Theophilus for the sole sake of wiping out all evidence with respect to Reincarnation. Thus, from the 6th century on, everyone was made believe that they disposed of one life only which might or might not lead them to Heaven at last, depending. Depending on what, you may wonder? Well, let us take a closer look at the wicked motives behind that radical of a change bearing such epochal consequences and engulfing the whole Christian world into unprecedented chaos. For one, without the idea of Rebirth as spiritual guidance, people's sense for responsibility would not just be undermined, but it would ultimately make them help-, powerless and void. This way, we would eventually just forget about our true divine goal of morphing into the likeness of Him and therefore exclusively relying on His grace. By obliterating the concept of Reincarnation altogether, we would from now on be led on by hoping for absolution and redemption which, of course, can never happen as only we ourselves have the power to do so at a soul level. Mankind plus the world around them would ergo become easily exposable to evil and basically be doomed. What a foul gimmick! That step was clearly necessary to pave the road to all the wealth the Roman Catholic clergy has most ruthlessly been seizing ever since. Which other way but cleverly tricking, scamming, intimidating, controlling us and demanding ransom, if you will, through fear, horror, prosecution, torture and death would have worked so perfidely well in order to guarantee those assets to keep coming in regularly over two thousand years? It was in the Middle Ages that the Roman Catholic church actually determined the cost of belief in a soul's redemption in return for a possible ticket to Paradise. They self- righteously decided how much someone needed to pay to be given absolution from sever sins such as adultery or worse - thus getting filthy rich mainly at their expenses. No wonder that the notion of Reincarnation was preventatively just once more condemned at the Councils to Lyon in 1274 and to Florence in 1439. By means of immeasurable greed and utterly unscrupulous indulgence, the Holy Church has been juicing their flocks around the globe like lemons by keeping them in line. And to top off the hypocritical scam beyond compare, at the time of the Antipopes in Avignon, the mark of ludicrousness was unmistakably overstepped by simply adding a moneybag to the crucified Jesus figures to credibly convey the message that the Lord was also highly receptive to funds. Heresy at its finest! Last but not least, a little anecdote which offers great insight into the petty- minded church soul of that time. After having diligently collected the parishioners' monetary indulgence and thanked them with a "May God reward you for that", a sacristan reportedly stepped up to the altar after mass. With the following words, he threw the money into the air: "Dear Father, take as much as you want. The rest shall be mine."          


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