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Leave Christ Out Of Hypocrisy!

Leave Christ Out Of Hypocrisy! - Hello and welcome back everyone! - Here we go again, I thought to myself last Sunday on THE day of the Lord when I watched people flock into church and hypocrisy was about to run at full speed just once more. After all, way too many except for the truly devoted and seasoned churchgoers seem to honestly believe in the myth of full redemption for their daily share of sins, transgressions, nastinesses, vulgarities, etc. if they obediently show their faces in some church, temple, hall or any other so- called sacred locations. "It takes two to tango" abruptly comes to my mind in this context. The English proverb should prove worthwhile as far as taking into consideration both sides which act in a symbiosis of agonists and antagonists to each other to go smoothly hand in glove at last. On the one hand, there are the parishioners, of course. Let's be honest, without them, all those holy places of worshipping the Trinity of God the Father, son and Holy Spirit simply would have to shut their doors and call it quits for good. It certainly requires more than just prayer and a friendly smile to keep their attendance up but serious and lavish effort on part of the churches which consequently makes them the antagonists to their followers or rather agonists. Alright, so let me first comment on the party of churchgoers and on their motives in particular. For that purpose, though I deem it absolutely necessary to strictly separate the real deal from the pseudos despite all the brainwashing which has undoubtedly left its prominent marks on both groups even though for entirely different reasons. When I was fully immersed in my catholic phase between 8 and 12, I would preferably sit with the true worshippers as their devotion just felt genuine and pure. Some would not just take me under their wing during mass but also make sure that I was safe on my way home later on. I have no idea why, but their conduct and dedication just seemed to affirmatively correlate or rather perfectly align with my childish intuition. Anyway, being the nosy squirt that I was, I would, of course, observe and very much like a sponge absorb just about anything that was going on within that tiny church before, during and after service. Let me tell you, back then already I could sense a striking difference with regard to that small congregation of Sunday regulars, and up to this very day, my stomach starts flipping whenever my internal radar detects any of those controversial vibes. It truly appears as if nothing at all has ever changed about those phonies that come straight out of the woodwork and turn up giving the impression of new and shiny pennies. At this point in the game, the clerical influence starts to make itself felt rather strongly even though mostly beyond anything humanly rational, charitably reasonable or simply truly empathetic. Now, let's go back in history a little. The last two thousand years have been remarkably shaped by the Astrological zodiac of Pisces which could qualitatively speaking not express itself more bipolar in a literal black- and- white sense of either saint or sinner with just nothing in between. Especially the Roman Catholic church has taken full advantage of just that by putting their distinctively fear- driven and omnipotent branding on its commonly illiterate and gullible peoples all over the globe. Incredibly enough, we have still not managed to escape their iron grip entirely which implies that the church as our antagonist by now clearly standing on its last leg is therefore more than ever fighting tooth and nail to keep us captivated in their manipulative spell by any means, no matter how disgusting, outrageous or mind- blowing. I absolutely despise the undeniable fact that we are still deliberately deceived and unashamedly fooled essentially by just the same breed of sinners if not much worse and so kept in line like stupid sheep that supposedly requires to be thought and decided for. As a heartfelt and devoted advocate for Jesus Christ as the one and only foundation in my life, I shall explain my disdain towards the Roman Catholic Church more closely next time. 


  1. Well said but this is a topic that's been going on for centuries , but the world getting smaller with technology it will be getting more difficult to forecast the future of religion . and without some form of discipline for the monkeys I am totally afraid of whats to come .


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