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Blind To The Obvious?

Blind To The Obvious? - And let the ranting and raving continue. I cannot fathom what social and other (rather specific sources of honest) media corroborate in terms of the rapidly ongoing process of Islamization throughout Europe! Just mind- blowing, but amidst London's hustle and bustle some Muslim jerks unabatedly sold off cloaked girls very much like at some filthy Bazar dating back to the BC times of the Byzantine Empire. "Aisha is used and therefore worthless. Anyone willing to offer more than 20 £ for her?", that camel jockey heralded to a small crowd of videotaping onlookers while that completely shrouded girl remained kneeling on the sidewalk. What the hell?! In other boroughs of one and the same metropole, the British "Bobbies" won't even set a foot anymore as they are meanwhile fearing for their lives. To make matters worse, the mainly Muslim communities have long replaced the police, mind you the English police, with their own kind of law guardians. What about that dreadful decapitation of that defenseless soldier in broad daylight only a few years ago? Wait, didn't that incredibly barbaric act take place in the very same city? Yes, sadly enough, it did. Then just look towards France which after Germany registers the second largest Muslim population (5- 6 million compared to +8 million) within Europe. Not only has this once Grande Nation turned into a powerful stronghold for Muslim terrorism, but several French communities already deem themselves outgrown and overpowered when it comes to still manageable regulations as far as taking effective and meaningful measures and lastly getting the upper hand in regaining control. Rather on the contrary, at this point, the French citizens are actually pretty much doomed to watch as the last bit of law and order control is being relinquished to the Islamic invaders. I am just flabbergasted about the latest news according to which women are either just "advised" to comply with an unspoken curfew or are plainly and simply no longer allowed to freely roam the streets in some areas! Say what?! In Belgium quite a few sleeper cells are presently waiting out all the police raids and controls to strike again in cahoots with other French- speaking radical terrorist sympathizers at a later point in time. This should consequently make it fairly impossible to put an end to that nightmare ever. Next, take the Swedish nation which has been recklessly swamped and run over by an unstoppable flood of Muslim migrants from Africa as well. They had better quickly switch their pacifistic mindset back to their ancient predecessors' combative Viking spirit if they want to survive that hell. As a matter of fact, no other European country has reported so many cases of rape, sexual assault, mugging and burglary as that peace- loving and most likable nation. What a crying shame! Ecco, Bella Italia is meanwhile on the very brink of helplessly drowning in waste, vandalism and deconsecration of popular historical sites due to reckless male migrants. And then there's Germany which is facing street fights, brawls and other forms of public disturbances on a massive scale often without any protection or support from the local police or military. Instead the concept of self- justice seems to be coming in vogue again and is therefore more and more applied in various parts of the country where the males just have had enough of that political tyranny and are willing to stand up to it and take matters in their own hands in order to protect their females. In Holland migrants are reported to be viciously rioting because of supposedly poor cell phone signals. In the meantime, the Dutch PM has banned the Koran which sparks even more outrage within the Muslim communities and triggers more violent confrontations with the police forces which are literally getting battered up. In Austria the crime statistics with regard to sexual delicts has gone up a whopping 555.3% since the influx of migrants started 18 months ago. Besides, it was actually my country only which voted against the Turkish appeal to be included into the European Union. After all, we successfully fought the Ottoman Empire three times throughout History and therefore got to know them rather well. Anyway, the main reason for the veto being, Turkey is considered the gateway to the Orient basically forming the last barrier between the Christian and the Muslim world. However, the actual issue with Turkey is rather the indisputable circumstance that their women are still treated just as poorly as in most parts of the Middle and Near East. After the rape, mutilation and murder of a young Turkish female university student, thousands of women just gathered the other day to march together and protest against general violence against women in their country. However, the police dissolved their congregations in several cities with incredibly brute force. I absolutely agree with my country's decision to ban Turkey from entering the EU for now and all times unless they commit a 360 degree turn. Now that Austria just like Hungary has explicitly been saying enough is enough as far as being forced to accept even more of those savage migrant males into our country, take a wild guess at what the EU's reaction might be? Unbelievably, it is has been hailing harsh criticism and outright threats of repercussions. Any nation that refuses to take in more of those animals will be heavily fined and additionally sanctioned. Just outrageous, to say the least! To me, this very well begs the legitimate question why anyone in their right mind would want to seriously jeopardize our sovereignty, independence, political, social and economic freedom in such chaotic ways? Why it is that we, the stupid subjugate citizens, seem to be clearly seeing from afar already what is coming our way while the big cheeses among the influential politicians and World Council keep acting completely ignorantly and inert? I just can't shake the awkward feeling that those secretive world rulers simply must have been pursuing the intention of quickly repopulating the European continent with the help of those savages and at the same time submitting Christianity to Islam. By throwing us back into the pre- civilized times, we will not just be drastically limited action- wise but also made dangerously primitive to the point where we are likely better controllable to those so- called world leaders. People, get ready, as the final battle between good and evil is irreversibly upon us. Believe me, this has only been the beginning.           


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