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Planted Controversy At Its Worst

Planted Controversy At Its Worst - Hi and welcome back to my blog! - OMG! What has been going on in the course of this year's pre- electoral circle is to be described as an absolute "circus maximus" at best. I just can't imagine that an entire nation such as this one has ever been so polarized and outright aggressively biased before in its political history. Nothing but a full- fledged disaster the outcome of the 2016 presidential election will conjure up regardless in whose favor it lastly may be! Americans are right when they claim to be frightened of the immediate future. In fact, they should be scared for the night of November 8th will inevitably bring doom upon this nation with unfathomable because simply unpredictable ripple effects on a global scale. This politically completely split country has long reached its boiling point and is about to violently implode just like a factory containing a crazy variety of unknown fireworks with the potential of going off in all possible directions one by one. Somehow I cannot seem to rid myself of that odd feeling that this is actually precisely the kind of reaction intended and instigated by the current political leadership, mind you, not just the US one but definitely the top global tier as well. On merely tentatively assuming the ever increasing potential of power exuding from that relatively small circle of influential Free Masons, I honestly can't see an end to that tyranny imposed on us earthlings with all the threads cowardly pulled from most obscure and secret places somewhere behind closed doors and under the strict exclusion of the public eye. This sensation indisputably sets my individual mood from gloomy to outright helpless and ultimately to just feeling resignation as there is evidently absolutely no way of getting away from it, no matter what. Ironically, not even death happening either naturally or (in those circles much more likely) mysteriously and forcefully, might change anything at all for the time being simply because as souls we will be requesting just another physical vehicle or body in order to keep reincarnating ourselves time and time again. Hence, in the meantime we will just have to grin and bear it to whatever shall be bestowed upon us until that day a comet wipes out mankind or some other supernatural intervention takes place. Those shrewd world leaders do certainly not wish for humanity to thrive, blossom and live independently and peacefully. No, quite on the contrary, their actual intention is to decimate our population from roughly 8 billion to a laughable but far better control- and manageable 500 million. Doesn't this automatically beg the question as to how they may go about getting such a tall order done? If you think about it for a second, this is essentially accomplished fairly easily such as through deliberately planted natural disasters, famines, wars, economic disparities, social injustice, chemical and biological attacks, epidemic outbreaks, etc., etc. Of course, additionally, there is nothing easier and more effective than just purposely creating gradual hostility, incongruity, discordance, inequality, bias and utter hatred among us most successfully media- stultified, drugged, satisfied and pleasantly distracted "Deplorables" which by the way most certainly includes all of us even those who tend to narcissistically deem themselves distinctively different, by far more sophisticated and what's more, way more literate than the infamous 97% of humanoid bottom feeders. Indeed rather encouraging perspectives, don't you think? Alright, now what exactly does this imply in terms of the upcoming US election, you may wonder. Rather simply put, if Hillary Clinton wins, which is undoubtedly the world leaders' clear goal, the entire planet will inevitably be cast into a nuclear war of unprecedented extent. The precursors are as clear as can be, and the course is all set for continuously deepening the rift between America and countries like Russia, North Korea, China, Israel, and so on. Well, according to several Holy Scripts like the Bible as well as other renowned sources of premonitions and prophecies such as given by French Michel Nostradamus, a third and final World War is upon us, so the question here is rather when than if. For the ultimate sake of being able to control us best in dramatically and drastically decimated number, I do fear that the utopia of reducing all religious, political, social and last but not least even all life- sustaining diversity as such to one sole dogmatically conform standard may eventually become our new reality. However, should for some miraculous reason Trump carry away the victory on November 8th, I am afraid, he would most likely not be around all that long to enjoy it. That powerful world council would just not allow this to happen and thus assassinate him one way or another. In the following, they would try anything to buy his VP or else. As a matter of fact, they could care less for we are all too easily replaceable. Regardless of who becomes the 45th president of the United States, the losing party's supporters will most presumably start rioting and consequentially trigger martial law to come into immediate effect. From that point on, just forget it as we will all be doomed sitting tight and waiting in lock- down mode for salvation and cessation which is never supposed to come.      


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