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"Bigly" Corrupt

"Bigly" Corrupt - Boy, oh boy! The longer this politically by now utterly exhausting cage aux folles- like thriller keeps us commoners in suspense, and the nearer time draws regarding the crucial date of November 8th, the deeper the trenches are growing between the people in this country and elsewhere on our planet, and the greater fatigue the voters are showing in general. Actually, instead of continuously seeking politically correct and thus ridiculously shallow words for the mere purpose of embellishment and/ or distraction, it turns out that plain sick and tired fits the bill much better, semantically speaking. At this point, just like after a long and hard fought but still undecided battle, pretty much everyone seems to be just fed up with what has been generously dumped on the general public by the grossly black- and white- painting media over the last 18 months, mostly in blatantly unethical and disrespectful ways. Incredible, what a mud- slinging we have been exposed to with unfathomable lies en Serie being ruthlessly displayed on the one hand only to defame the one disliked nominee and the actual truth being stretched or rather tentatively concealed at all costs in favor of the other candidate. Disgusting, but as usual just follow the money flow for the monetary trail ultimately always leads to the source of even more and seemingly endless repulsion. - I more or less consider myself a political neuter and a mere impartial observer at best basically with no preference for either side, but I will say this. Principally, being a glowing advocate for absolute truth, I just can't help feeling my sense of righteousness being totally violated by that humongous, heinous cover- up machinery on the Democrats' side. In fact, their unimaginably sophisticated gimmickry appalls me so much that consequently I might easily appear to rather hypocritically lean towards the Republicans after all, which I clearly don't, but which I sadly choose to be the lesser of the two evils this time around. I truly wish there were better alternatives to pick from, but as a matter of fact, there is just nothing worthwhile out there in terms of effectively counter- acting and offsetting the two historically most unfavorable presidential candidates ever. - Directly at the origin of (hopefully somewhat honest and genuine) news release, one is theoretically best advised to find themselves in order to experience the true power of words coming straight from the horse's mouth rather than from somewhere else. Both pictures portrayed and subsequently circulated about either candidate could in fact not be any more controversial or divergent. Nevertheless, only here on American soil, one essentially meets a fair chance with respect to how matters are actually occurring. Let me quickly explain this. Just the other night, I again tuned into ORF, the only Austrian broadcasting network which has been holding a clear monopolizing position from the very beginning of its radio and televising history. Never mind, even before I could actually watch the segment about that night's final US- presidential debate, the moderator boldly preceded by spreading the untrue fact that Trump was trailing way behind Clinton in all the recent polls and would therefore face an uphill battle for which essentially nobody gave him credit to win anyway. At first, I was just flat- out stunned at that extent of outspoken bias, but then I quickly started feeling angered about how cleverly the viewers in my own country were fooled into accepting such to be nothing but the truth! I am fairly positive that Austria is not alone in this sort of scheme but is rather obediently tagging along with the vast majority of European countries. To quote linguistically inventive Trump, the entire spectacle is nothing short of being "bigly" corrupt not just here but most certainly worldwide. Utterly nauseating! Back to money which is actually more than ever concretely proving its ill reputation as being THE root of ALL evil. Well, they who dispose of all the money in the world are in fact the ones that conduct and lastly also dictate global business and with it our entire history in every imaginable aspect of our lives. Those and no one else ultimately acquire the entitlement to take on the role of God in form of our so- called leaders within the world council. These people truly feel unrestrictedly empowered to govern, steer and manipulate us sheep- like puppets on a string just as they please. Money implies power and the liberty to drive us into any direction determined ideal for us to either follow or perish. In regards of this year's election, we have been indisputably tricked into primarily focusing our attention on several dumb and primitive Trump statements secretly taped in the past plus on quite obviously fabricated allegations as far as supposed sex- abuse while simultaneously ignoring the actually de facto committed range of abuse and pure wickedness on Clinton's end. Listen all you smart fellows out there that you call yourselves proud and powerful donors and supporters of the latter one. Nobody in their right mind would ever deem stupid, degrading and simp locker- talk exchanged among bragging males to be on one and the same level of crime with someone's actual and knowingly all too criminal acts involving just about anything from bribery, embezzlement, black- mailing, to extortion and murder. However, just as I mentioned afore already, because that nastily metastasizing corruption can actually be traced back right up to the highest among the world- leaders, it should eventually become apparent to us all that the entire election is massively rigged on behalf of someone who should definitely not run for president ever with a record like hers. Anyway, regardless of what she -in smart cahoots with others- has committed in crimes, the voting machines are a hundred percent preset "democratically" and will as a result be manipulating the outcome on her behalf. The corrupt ones on top of that world council pyramid do not want Trump in but Clinton, come what may. Yes, unfortunately, this piece of truth we are dealing with is indeed disillusioning, disheartening and just disgusting!                


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