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Come Hell Or High Water

Come Hell Or High Water - Hi everyone! - OMG is indeed all that's left for me to say with regard to this low- grade charade of the 2016 presidential race! Okay, just last Tuesday Bernie Sanders also grabbed the state of Wisconsin. Wow, my hat is definitely off to him after this fourth caucus win in a row! Needless to say, Hillary Clinton is anything but stoked about this fairly memorable turn of latest events, and rather correspondingly inappropriate have her verbal attacks as well as her humiliating and belittling comments become. Doubtlessly, this is not just entirely unnecessary but furthermore totally NOT classy and much less NOT presidential either. Apparently her sponsors, especially the ones from abroad, are now hurriedly bundling together a super pac with the purely evil intention of discrediting that truthful political longtime maverick and so disabling him to the point where it just becomes pretty impossible for him to rack up any more wins, and delegate votes respectively. How sad is this spectacle overall?! Of course, gimmicks, schemes, lies and charades like these have been around as long as there have been manmade governments, but still is it truly necessary to try and get ahead of everyone else by primarily riding on intentions so fervently and wickedly directed against any other opponent? Hillary must indeed want the (first female) US- presidency so very badly that any desperate measures are welcome. I just can't help it, but I am not impressed at all by the fact that a candidate like her is more or less financially carried through her campaigns plus actively engages her own family to boost her numbers. However, I do fully commend Bernie's unwavering effort to keep fighting just like David against Goliath, a fight which has been nothing short of nasty obstacles deliberately thrown into his way. I truly respect this man for his honest and transparent attempt to slay the dragon which Washington in a strange alliance with other nations is still feeding strongly. Frankly, this I find hugely impressive! In case Bernie failed, he should be commemorated as a true hero for at least having had the unshakeable belief that he might after all be liberating the people of this country from the chains of the Establishment. Should he miraculously end up being nominated though, I would like to wish him all the luck in the world. This, of course, I mean nothing but literally for this kind of insane circus which has been going on in the opposite political party has by now become absolutely toilet- worthy. Just do us all a favor and flush yourselves down with one swoop! How exceedingly ridiculous of a preschooler's roller- coaster ride of mood swings are we currently being exposed to? First, those knuckleheads can't seem to hide from the media what ought to clearly stay behind closed doors until forged out presentably smoothly and credibly. Were there initially highly speculative rumors about bringing Romney, Ryan or even Rubio back into the game in the mere effort to block Donald Trump from continuously proceeding victoriously towards the goal of completing the magic number of 1237 delegate votes on his own, there has quite evidently not been enough of that cage aux folles just yet. Now the RNC Establishment is banking on a rather moderate temper tantrum still kindly expressing the urgent request that John Kasich should for Christ's sake finally leave the ring so that poor and suppressed Ted Cruz has at least somewhat of a fair chance to come close to the front runner's present count and hence considerably take away from him. Listen all you defiant folks of the Washington Establishment: By not abiding by the rules as are which means by you recklessly forcing your three remaining candidates into a brokered or contested convention this early summer and lastly giving the nomination to the second or third ranked person who has either not been voted by the majority of the people or merely marginally, you will not just dangerously further the split in your own party but ultimately destroy it. Over what though, this scenario would seriously beg the question? All because your hurt egos don't approve of contemporary events and developments running their own natural course? Mark my words, start unifying instead of separating unless your actual intention is to favor the Democrats and thus facilitate their victory in this year's election. In the meantime just sit back and let Kasich float on in his bubble, allow Cruz to gradually reveal his true colors and grant Trump the privilege to make an idiot of himself whenever he feels like it. After all, the voters need to get to know their candidates before election night on their own accord without being influenced by you, the media or other powerful and manipulative sources. We are by no means stupid, so let us do our job and judge for ourselves who we prefer and who we want to represent our ideas, dreams and goals. More next week.        


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