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All Is Well That Ends Well Rigged

All Is Well That Ends Well Rigged - Hello everyone! Sorry but I was purposely holding back with this week's post until after last Tuesday's primary in NY which this time I followed with one laughing and one crying eye. At first, the good news: Donald Trump scored victoriously with an impressive 60% and added 89 delegate votes to his count. Now the bad news: Bernie Sanders sadly had to claim a rather dramatic loss to Hillary Clinton despite his ever so unwavering optimism. My heart is indeed heavy for this hard working and most likable fellow because let's call a spade a spade, the entire election process just stinks. Lately Trump has been ranting and raving about the whole gimmick being nothing but a dirty, fixed and corrupt business pretty much for the wrong reasons though, although looking at the bigger picture, I could just not agree more with him. As a matter of fact, sloppy, incompetent, ignorant and negligent campaign management skills have cost their candidate at least the chance to earn quite a few floating delegate votes here and there due to missing deadlines for final show- ups at different Republican congregations. There was frankly nothing crooked about that at all, and Ted Cruz indeed committed no fraud whatsoever but stuck to clearly laid down RNC rules and regulations. Therefore the blame is on nobody else but solely on Trump's team. Except for that indisputably quite annoying lapse though, I do believe that by now it should have become fairly obvious how badly manipulated the system is. How incredibly bold of the media and the allegedly unbiased political analysts to pipe up again in an effort to make Trump look foolishly paranoid for stating just that most candidly when in reality this is indeed nothing but the truth. This proves just once more how much of an appallingly disrespectful and cocky conduct you demonstrate towards us "dummies" that follow him. Of course, the entire political show is heavily rigged, has always been and will in fact always be. For real, did you expect anything else? The proof is in the pudding considering all those half- heartedly attempted maneuvers of distraction and chaos as far as possibly changing or rather bending the rules at the very last minute. The GOP field has quite evidently not experienced a split like this ever before, and yet the top tier just keeps flapping around between the absurdest and farthest- fetched options one could think of. Would it really help to bring in parachute nominees maybe as late as the same day of the Cleveland Convention in July, or would it perhaps pay off backing up Governor John Kasich, who has not won the minimum of eight states but instead merely one, his own home turf, and who has clearly not been favored by the majority of voters in any caucus, primary or preliminary so far? Mind you, this way both Trump's uncontested lead, regardless of whether he amasses 1237 delegate votes in the end or not, and Cruz' s trailing score would therefore not only be ignored but lastly considered completely obsolete. Indeed a splendid idea if you brute anarchists wish for manifesting upheavals and riots on a massive scale and much more importantly aid the opposite party in acquiring the US- presidency again. For God's sake, the mere thought of a potential continuation of their present, overly failing policy should finally wake you Republicans up and get you back to work rather today than tomorrow! Having just won his own state as epically as he did, Trump laid the foundation for his nomination as he's less than 400 votes shy of the requested 1237 mark, but will this merit really tip the scales in the last instance? No, my gut feeling tells me rather differently for the very simple reason that the whole circus is in fact so ghastly rigged that Trump will just stand no chance to beat Clinton because she is being made the next president, no matter what. Whoever takes on the system, the Establishment, the World Counsel, the Bilderbergers, etc. risks being taken out just like that. As a logical consequence, nobody, except for maybe a few thousand big mouths scattered all over the planet, would ever dare mess with them but instead just drift along and ultimately blend in with regard to that unimaginable myriad of lies, schemes, corruption, greed, and all those one- hand- washes- the - other- mentality driven cover- ups. Donald Trump is quite likely a temporarily worthy playmate for Hillary Clinton mainly serving the purpose to amuse THEM and lead us on to believe in his win, but the truth is, the cards have long been shuffled and dealt out, according to which Hillary is going to be the next president of the United States of America, bottom line. A huge and jolly hurray to such a solidly rigged system!  


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