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The Tide Is Turning

The Tide Is Turning - Or at least, it appears just like this. - Hello and welcome back everyone! - Bernie Sanders just swooped up three large states in one night and could finally proclaim a landslide victory over Hillary Clinton, who is meanwhile getting ever the more between the crosshairs with respect to her email scandal related investigation. As a neither fish- nor- foul advocate of either party despite true interest in politics, I would in fact be rather cheerful about this turning point because I do like the person Bernie Sanders. HOWEVER, when it comes to this lately shocking uprise in openly displayed violence, particularly during Donald Trump's rallies, I just can't help but seriously wonder why of all candidates' supporters Sander's people feel the need to interfere so candidly aggressively? You see, if it's up to Donald to finally get a grip on his outraged followers as to curb their violent outbursts, why on earth can't Bernies' folks comply to the same principles and rules? Honestly, this conduct I grossly dislike and wholeheartedly disapprove of for it just does not speak for Father Time whatsoever. The most recent and highly desperate Republican Establishment gimmicks, on the other hand, are not any less appalling! Now laughably imaginary combined ticket attacks, most disgusting advertisements and ferociously negative garbage smear campaigns are being in the works by which the backdoor suggested fusing of Cruz and Rubio should purposely create just another series of quite illegal and backstabbing road blocks only to stop Trump on his way to finally reaching the remaining 400 plus state delegate points. Nothing short of ludicrous and most importantly just flat- out criminal, if you will! No question, I'm clearly distancing myself from last week's foolishly low- grade sparring round between Trump and Cruz over their wives which by the way had quite clearly been started somewhere else than Trump's own group with the perfide purpose to provoke the crap out of each other. Regardless of the indisputable fact that this antagonizing incident has only once more proven how unworthily presidential of a general conduct Trump tends to continuously demonstrate, he is still way ahead of Cruz and Kasich and is more than likely and able to rack up the 1237 votes before the Convention. John Kasich is becoming more and more of a tragically mocked Don Quixote as well as an increasingly real burden to his own party as he is clearly stripping away votes from the Republican party's suddenly one and only hope- bearing found compromise Ted Cruz. What an incredibly insane and utterly ridiculous waste of energy, money and nerves in an overall inefficient attempt to dethrone Trump when in the end this is only going to promote the Democrats' win of the presidency again. Just beware, as much as Sanders is momentarily and very well most deservingly basking in his latest fat preliminary victory, the odds are still not in his favor in regards to actually ending up with his party's unanimously agreed upon nomination. Clinton has rather unmistakably pledged that she would be committed to continuing Obama's policy as usual which means just more of the same old dilemma, such as more debts, more social, educational and class- wise inequalities, more crime and poverty, more welfare subsidies, more metropolitan bankruptcies, more international mockery, and so on and so forth. After all, if a whole country is made believe that all that ever matters in life is food, meds, clothes, celebrities, and Disney instead of tackling the real issues waiting right at their doorstep - which bears the risk of tumbling this formerly great and highly respected nation into the gutter, then the people have indeed been badly tricked and easily trapped into a world of merely bubble- gum like illusions. I truly wish I could discuss a more suitable solution in terms of your political future for I am fully aware of Trump potentially going to devastatingly sweep house in his so distinctively unfavorable and unorthodox because politically incorrect ways which will consequently rip open gigantic trenches of unimaginable and unparalleled impact on the entire globe provided, of course, he survives the next ten months. As a matter of fact, as you may know or at least suspect, there are much more powerful and secret (human) forces at work that will do whatever it takes to protect their mutual interests. Not for nothing does one hand wash another, something the infamous old Romans knew well and frequently practiced already back then. As sure as the Amen at the end of a prayer, those large mighty groups and lobbies will not allow to be trampled on their feet, much less deal with the threat of being put in the pillory or God forbid even be publicly exposed, prosecuted and jailed because their money simply rules the whole world and makes us stupid little voters dance at their will just like puppets on a string. To be continued.           


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