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Multiple Power Struggles

Multiple Power Struggles - Hello and welcome back to my weekly blog! - Just this morning a few hours ago, Dr. Ben Carson, one of the GOP front runners, who sadly recently dropped out of the presidential race due to increasingly dwindling voters' support throughout the last few state primaries and caucuses, has endorsed Donald Trump. Who would have thought that? Two men who could not be any more different from one another in terms of personality, background, career, level of literacy as well as education, style, and rhetorics. I am absolutely intrigued! Of course, at this point in the game, the candidates are one by one forced to call it quits not only as a result of overall fewer votes, but also rather pressingly because their monetary wells are inevitably running dry. And as a (fairly logical) matter of fact, the other Gladiators that are still remaining in the fighting arena, are just like vultures attempting everything possible to pick up their fallen comrades' followers after all. No need at all to be a political analyst in order to observe that Ted Cruz was strongly hoping for Dr. Ben Carson's endorsement and is hence quite understandably disappointed about being left out. Long- term perspective, I believe, this required success strategy is called here. I am pretty positive that if Ted Cruz had not veered off the path of integrity and so evidently played his foul tricks on Ben Carson, he might have had a good shot at calling himself the true winner now. Marco Rubio's childish school- yard behavior last week, when he was in all earnest setting a reference between Donald Trump's hands and his manhood, was not only utterly uncalled for and above all entirely immature, but it ultimately backfired on him almost immediately. However, pretty ironically, the assaulted himself would just not want to shut up but lowered himself to an equally trashy level and so abruptly turned into the assailant per se firing back in just as much of an undignified and and not any less stupidly inappropriate manner and what's more, for the whole world to witness life on air. Indeed disgusting and certainly in no way, shape or form even close to proving a worthwhile presidential conduct. Shame on them! Then there is John Kasich again, still unwaveringly holding on for dear life, but let me tell you something. Even though his chances for a realistic nomination are indeed growing slimmer by the week, he has clearly been impressing me quite a bit lately! Apparently acting like the only adult among this crazy bunch of adolescent thugs, he knows well enough to stay out of their mud pool and instead focus on this country's rather considerable array of national and international issues. This is now leading me straight to another much more serious problem of entirely different caliber, though. With four men still standing and dragging their followers into the next few weeks' primaries during which more than half of the remaining delegates are yet up for grab, the suffering, so to speak, will be unnecessarily and artificially be prolonged for no other reason than keeping Donald Trump from reaching the required number of 1237 delegates which would clearly signal victory as far as receiving the nomination at last. Marco Rubio is overly desperate to win his home state Florida, while John Kasich is burning to make his home turf Ohio his own, but you see, the poll numbers just speak rather differently and are pretty much all in Trump's favor, provided of course, he keeps staying under the radar and doesn't trip otherwise until March 15th. No matter if he ultimately does or not, his hard- core supporters, who by the way Ted Cruz incredibly thoughtlessly referred to as a group of illiterates last night, will still be backing him up while the Washington Establishment will not cease to do anything in their (financial) power to block Donald Trump from reaching that vital majority. It is no longer a secret that their hurriedly bundled C- Packs are now being shamefully wastefully put to work by forcing Rubio, Cruz and to a smaller extent also Kasich to persevere and persist in their dictated dog fight because quite easily if there's no clear winner by number of state delegates by a certain deadline, Washington will be deciding exclusively in favor of their own champion at the Republican National Convention in June. Thus long before potentially being given the votes of the Super Delegates to add up to 2472 altogether which at least in theory appears to be hanging in the air at the moment, Donald Trump is gradually running out of time, states and delegates despite his voters' clearly increasingly overwhelming support and devotion. Should Washington indeed go about this trajectory the way they are planning to pursue it, they will eventually and irrefutably clash with the people's choice and consequently violate their wish to see Trump run for president which might only too easily start an upheaval this country has certainly not seen yet. - More next week.      


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