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Light Versus Darkness(I)

Light Versus Darkness (I) - Welcome back to my weekly blog everyone! - Paradoxically enough, now that I have finally found two (in my opinion) acceptably objective news channels which I really like, I just can't help feeling overwhelmed as I am getting inundated with tons of unfiltered news segments about war, corruption, rape, destruction and other atrocities alike that occur on a daily base here and elsewhere. Ironically, "Just be careful what you wish for" rather immediately pops into my head with regard to this. Yes, I have to admit becoming sick and tired of the mainstream news media known for mainly reporting about useless crap and at the same time trying to heavily brainwash their viewers with bubble gum chimera and Disney- World distorted factual realities. Let's be honest, what forms the main focus here is cozy and carefree topics such as babies, puppies, celebrities, food, meds, cars, etc. In order to somewhat justify the otherwise so nationally tabloid notorious garbage factory, at least some bits and pieces of local sex abuse and political corruption scandals are sprinkled over the various shallow segment packages and lastly fed to us just as cleverly. - Alright, so now I am trying to primarily watch those two newly found channels, and believe me, I am more than thrilled and delighted about the incredible amount of real news gathered from all over the globe for a change. Nonetheless, I suddenly seem to find myself in an odd predicament as quite apparently I am no longer used to such a qualitative news intensity and thus can't but struggle with all that broadcast placative negativity. I shamefully admit following those intentionally blurred, clearly partial and overall highly manipulative news sources for years. Now in hindsight, I just have to cooly accept defeat for having allowed myself to be blindsided just like all those other conveniently ignorant news watchers. More and more I started feeling, though as if I simply needed to know more than was just brought up on a mainly domestic level. I have very well come to the sad conclusion that people in this country are deliberately made believe that on the whole everything out there - wherever that may be - is just fine and are therefore easily tricked into the dangerously misleading assumption of currently immanent threats such as coming from the Islamic State and the Middle East, for instance, are firstly easily manageable and secondly swiftly and successfully avertable as the current US president persuasively suggests. Folks, you need to wake up at last! Matters are in fact much worse, different and way more challenging than generally and preferably neutralized, media- tightly proportioned and finally one- sidedly dished out. My intention is certainly not to attempt igniting irrational fear and causing pandemic panic, but at last heed my warning with respect to what is looming over your heads, in fact right under your noses and pretty darn for real. Say, does it not upset, irritate or at least make you wonder seeing more and more of those sick, perverted, cruelly mind- twisting, disruptive, destructive and unusually vulgar posts all across social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, etc.? It truly appears as if nothing is ever regulated in those realms, no matter how badly racial, anti- woman, anti- religious, anti- establishment, abusive as far as children, animals, social outcasts, marginal groups, and so on and so forth. Judging from the scarily fast piling up amount of openly illustrated, distributed and shared negativity, one frankly can't but just presume how far mankind must already have moved to the edge of the cliff by now without even noticing the dimension of the black hole underneath. Below for now just one example of that black mass energy hole which keeps swallowing up more and more of our spiritual light and at the same time threatens to plunge us one by one into Satan's eternal darkness. This kind of last hurray that our planet is presently celebrating direly consists of visually and auditively linked impulses which are still just keeping us on the edge of our seats as the ever sensation- starving and increasingly desensitizing spectators that we are. - Sadly, these days young black males are worshipping an exceedingly disgusting trend set by a handful of unscrupulous and heartless low- lives and are even boasting about being videotaped as they are viciously attacking defenseless white females and as they are domesticating - or should I rather use the term disciplining their own girlfriends. Serious??? Why on earth would anyone want to second- handedly witness anything as degrading and senseless to begin with? What's more, why the heck doesn't anyone responsible or in charge of those social media sites step in and take this sort of trash off instantly? I'm telling you, it's all going backwards nowadays! I, who usually shares posts as harmless and offense- neutral as can be, have so far only once dared share a hilarious picture showing a naked man who was just too fat to provoke any detectable obscenity whatsoever and got reprimanded almost momentarily and consequently even temporarily blocked. If you ask me, this was absolutely unfounded and utterly insane! More examples next week.          


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