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Light Versus Darkness (II)

Light Versus Darkness (II)- Hello everybody! With some unexpected delay this week, let me finally welcome you all back to my blog! - Very recently I stumbled across a Facebook post about the power of prayer which deeply impressed me. Above all, it happens to go hand in glove with my latest blog thread. This quote is ascribed to Mother Teresa and reads as follows: "I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us, and we change things." Well, especially with respect to that scarily fast multiplying pace of growth of darkness which is all too subtly infiltrating ever the more aspects of our daily lives, these words indeed appear to be surfacing at just the right time. Those who pray either regularly, periodically or only occasionally, usually do so because they truly feel a true connection to a Higher Divine Source of some kind which in their minds definitely looks out for them at all times. In addition to the commonly existent religious component, to a certain degree those individuals also consciously or subliminally embrace the concept of spirituality, and it is in fact this very powerful combination which ultimately keeps them in check and consequently on the right path, ethically and morally speaking. The opposite end of that spectrum, though undoubtedly embodies darkness the way I have been referring to. There are to be found all those who either show no inclination towards praying at all or (un)knowingly worship and praise false deities or worse deliberately twist their prophets' words around sometimes even going at great lengths as to alter and customize entire scripts for their own selfish purposes and benefits. Any way, believe me anything done as negatively as such is just as effective and lastly amplifies the creation and density of even more darkness. This being said, every prayer counts, good and evil alike. Each and every praying light- bearer is therefore more than ever called upon indulging in a much higher frequency of prayer in order to counteract as well as counterbalance the dark forces aimed at us from the adversary pole across. As a matter of fact, light naturally feeds more of the same and will eventually penetrate, disrupt and ultimately dissolve the darkest and densest darkness in its entirety. As grim as darkness may present itself today, it will never stand a realistic chance to suffocate or even extinguish light, but until this very last battle is settled and won, we will have to accept hundreds of thousands, if not millions of additional useless and seemingly "innocent" casualties. Of course, from a Karmic view of point, none of us is ever to be evaluated as innocent. Quite on the contrary, Karma continuously steps into action as its primary job is to unbiasedly collect old and still unpaid debts which for our own sake we simply can no longer remember. Perhaps the novelty as far as this kind of challenge is concerned rises with the current confrontation between us, the older and more advanced souls and them, the brand- new and less experienced beings. We are in fact the ones now - mind you, always in a collective sense - that are karmically taxed for outstanding dues mainly on our part simply because we have been around much longer. However, rather paradoxically, it is up to us only to let all those despicable and atrocious acts of horror and terror slide peacefully! In other words, by not willingly and egotistically insisting on exercising revenge as an appropriate answer just once more, we will enable mankind to eventually break the Karmic cycle, leave the Wheel of Rebirth for good and return to Eden after all. For this very reason, we, the praying ones, shall from now on not just intensify our praying routine for the purpose of pushing out and ultimately nullifying the dark forces but also become much more alert as to what is truly happening around us. Besides praying, it is our civic and moral duty to keep a vigilant eye on any negativity displayed in our immediate surrounding, be it in form of words or deeds and if necessary even intervene and offer help to those in distress or danger without jeopardizing our own safety. We must no longer glance aside and rather self- righteously pretend that some situations are right when they are clearly not or just leave it up to someone else to come to their rescue. Turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to what is actually happening is never the way into the light but rather into the abyss of all evil. This signifies if you for instance witness an act of burglary, mugging, assault, etc., please do not just walk away but act within your realm of reasonable possibilities. Either scream loudly to alarm others and deter the perpetrator or call for professional help yourself. Unless it directly puts you into harm's way, you may also choose to take more active measures and involve yourself in the given situation. In the meantime, just keep praying and sending positive and healing energies right into the black holes, so to speak. Don't forget, one day the light WILL certainly win over the darkness, but we are not anywhere near the finish line yet.    


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