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RAPE or rather Recapture All Power Eternally

RAPE or rather Recapture All Power Eternally - Happy New Year to everyone! - It is just truly and unspeakably unfathomable what has been going on recently in terms of violence specifically targeting women and girls. Utterly sickeningly, rape in particular is quite evidently becoming a more and more practicably avenging and castigating tool to globally disempower females on a mass scale in the wake of religious and racial differences. As a victim of rape myself, I ever the more feel the need to stand up for all those who simply cannot help themselves and consequently lend a voice to those deliberately silenced. In my opinion, the vast majority of rape cases does not justify or support the banal thought of guilt on part of the victims and must therefore clearly be demystified of shame, self- infliction or conjuring. Rather on the contrary, rape itself needs to be addressed and furthermore handled and prosecuted in unstigmatized and dignified ways without pointing the finger at the victims because undeniably it is a crime just like any other punishable delinquency. I absolutely agree with my husband as far as a woman's body being a temple, nevertheless I would love to expand this notion to any living being among us as a rule. However, due to males naturally enjoying a considerable physical advantage over females, children and numerous smaller animals, rape has sadly been occurring countless times from the very dawn of mankind on and will most predictably stay around until our last days just as persistently. Violation in terms of sexual aggression has always been a satanic means of exercising dominance over the weaker ones in the rawest, directest, most degrading and most humiliating form. Clearly rapists are control mongers of the most despicable and lowest kind, and the pleasure forcibly gained from such an appallingly heinous act is usually considered a triumph one way or another. As incredibly disgusting as a rapist's twisted mindset may present itself, I do have one thoroughly powerful message for all those low- life bastards out there which will eventually come into play to ultimately counteract every bit of their repulsive deeds. KARMA has always taken care of this and other dreadful actions all by itself and will most reliably and infallibly continue to do so for this is indeed written in stone regardless of any religious belief or lack of such. No doubt, what we sow, we will reap. Of course, I would have longed to be able to witness the fall of my rapist during this, my present lifetime still, but this wish I was just not granted. Nonetheless, I feel good knowing that justice will be done in one of his coming terrestrial existences no matter if I am around remembering or not. What does that mean, you may wonder? Well, fairly simply put, all those worthless bottom feeders who get a kick out of raping women, girls, children as well as other men will without the slightest doubt whatsoever reincarnate under the shroud of complete amnesia as females just to receive the exact same sort of deed done to others. In other words, they will be taking on the role of victims voluntarily based on their own free choice as souls with the main purpose of learning what it is like to be assaulted, taken against one's will, ravaged and discarded like a piece of trash. This knowledge is inherent in all of us to some degree. The more highly developed a soul is, the more prominently it becomes imprinted in our matrix because with the formation of conscience comes respect and love for one another. Judging from the currently fast increasing rape trend, we may be tempted to conclude that we must presently be surrounded by an indefinite number of low souls. Unfortunately, trying to talk sense into those mindless savage like creatures will not do the trick, nor will any attempts through compassion, understanding and love solve or rather stop this problem any time soon. What's more, since most countries' legal jurisdictions are still stuck in the Middle Ages, continuously working backwards and definitely not in favor of the rape victims, there is meanwhile only one way to counteract those horrific attacks. I am aware that I'm getting myself right into hot water for this is so much easier said than done, but the individual sought out for rape is in fact well advised to take advantage of that small window of opportunity during those grueling moments of combat. To all my fellow women in suffering I would like to direct the vital advice to always at least try to repel their aggressor(s). Go and take martial arts classes and self- defense lessons rather today than tomorrow, so you gradually become confident to strike back, provided of course, you are not outnumbered and there's not a gun pointed at your head. I've come to learn that fighting back or even attacking is just not evolutionarily embedded in our generally laid- back and nurturing female nature. Therefore we need to step out of our comfort zone and adapt what man has been doing most naturally forever. I don't want you to give in to the thought that you may be inflicting real and serious pain to the attacker simply because he or they will surely not even flinch for a second when it comes to hurting you. First and foremost, though, you have to learn to become aware of your surroundings and stay alert always for the simple reason that there are really bad guys out there with the purely evil intention to harm you no matter what. Once you learn to always keep your ears and eyes open without turning into a paranoid psychopath yourself, you will gain the confidence to correspondingly act and react in dangerous situations. Besides, you may very likely avoid being surprised by hidden punches and blows to your face and head in the first place which is absolute key to realistically taking on your opponent. Running, as we all know, is clearly the best of all tactics but not always possible especially not with firearms in the mix. So let's picture the inevitable with the most immanent threat lurking upon you. Do not think ever, but instead "detach" yourself from the happening and act upon what you've learnt. Until you have fully automatized your techniques, you will never go wrong using your finger nails going for his/ their eyes. Engage your elbows and knees and aim at the throat, knees, ankles, etc. Don't be afraid to sink your teeth into his flesh and take a whole chunk out if necessary. Last but not least, if there is a chance without risk getting hurt (even more), twist and break his penis or even bite it off. Your are right, there's not one single pleasant image in this context, but you see, this is totally acceptable for he/ they just does/ do not care either. Your body is indeed most sacred and must not be invaded by unwelcome savage intruders on any account! Let's stand up to it together and fight RAPE by Recapturing All Power Eternally! 


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