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JESUS Just like You And I

JESUS Just Like You And I - A few weeks ago I happened to come across a documentary on History Channel called "The Truth About Jesus", and just like with everything about Jesus, I immediately felt intrigued. Not in the least had I up to that point ever minded or God forbid even questioned the generally unshakable fact of Jesus being an immaculate saint and was therefore in for quite a pleasant surprise once I caught the vibe that the film maker's intent had actually been to portrait my so ever perfect Jesus in the light of a rather down- to- earth and well, thoroughly ordinary and yes, pretty faulty human being. Of course, as was to be expected, first I was all up in arms trying to ferociously and devotedly defend the son of God to ... well, not quite sure to whom as it turned out. Never mind, although rather shockingly briefly I was initially quite simply flat- out appalled by that blasphemous and highly unsettling idea of Jesus having possibly been no lesser of a sinning man than any of us. This admittedly rather discomforting agony, however, was surprisingly swiftly softened up and eventually swept away with every bit of more in- depth insight there was granted into the life of our Savior. Should you perhaps also wonder whether that rather abrupt change of heart brought with itself at least some trace of guilt, let me tell you there was none whatsoever. Rather on the contrary, the longer that provokative documentary kept airing, the more I was ultimately willing to embrace that unthinkable concept of an imperfect Jesus having once quite realistically roamed this earthly realm. What an eye- opening testimony delivering such immeasurable relief! After all, Jesus was a human being just like all of us with no apparent physical abnormalities but a stubborn mind and guess what, quite a temper. What can I tell you, I love it! Presumably born on April 14th as I learnt through other channels, this would astrologically make him Aries which would explain the infamously short temper. Okay, as a 5 year- old, Jesus allegedly bullied and even assaulted another child according to antique scripts found in rather remote corners of the world. They had been considered far too risky, presumptuous and simply unfit to be added to the existing Bible accounts and had thus frantically been discarded and lastly hidden from the public clergy eye. Anyway, Jesus was indeed depicted as an impatient and overly impulsive child who could throw quite a temper tantrum whenever things did not go his way. Among other reports, he was even accused of having killed a playmate by pushing him off a roof, but he miraculously knew to resurrect the boy once confronted. What's more, Mary Magdalena was supposedly not just one of his apostles but clearly the closest of all. Rumor had it that the two might even have been lovers. Of course, this is more than just a timid wild guess, and why on earth would this notion bother anyone anyways? After all, Jesus was a man, and unless homo- or asexually inclined, a man naturally feels drawn to the opposite sex, a woman. Those long lost and partially well- preserved scrolls even claim that Jesus was not just not ready to take on the horrific burden of sacrificing himself for us morally helplessly rotten mankind but even tried to avoid being crucified. Would you blame him looking at a man who was quite understandably riddled with the proverbial fear of God having not just had to anticipate such unbearable, inhumane torture and the most agonizing form of death itself but to hold out until his very last breath as a mortal? Nonetheless, I would like to fully object to the theory that Jesus somehow managed to cheaply and cowardly wiggle his way out of that scenario altogether. Fear, resentment, disillusion, discouragement and disappointment, though are all only too legitimate sensations which I could easily imagine not even my beloved Jesus was immune to. In conclusion, I'd like to state that I have absolutely warmed up to the very possible fact that Jesus was all in all just like one of us with all his strengths, weaknesses, moods and anxieties, and this consequently makes life a lot more bearable and definitely much more worth being lived to the fullest, no matter what we are dealt with.            


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