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The Soul - A Timeless Treasure Chest

The Soul - A Timeless Treasure Chest - Temporal concepts such as yesterday, today and tomorrow do not exist in the spiritual realms. Everything takes place in the HERE and NOW - wherever and whenever this actually happens. You're right, this sounds nothing but an absolute paradox simply because we could barely exist without linearity or rather the chronological order of events. Someone with a severe physical condition that apparently withstands any medical or physical remedies might at last end up in the office of a therapist considering a past- life regression the last very last option. Such clients - I'd like to call them patients rather -  often reluctantly wander back in their archives of past existences and eventually relive long lost and deeply buried traumatic events which led up to their present health issues. Let's assume a client with a severe and seemingly resistent case of Asthma seriously seeks help in exactly this esoteric field. Since they rather unlikely remember their karmic past on a conscious level, at least not entirely cohesively, THE past event or the string of events responsible for triggering that constant fear of life- threatening angina and ultimately asphyxiation definitely calls to be looked into more closely. Now that that person finds him- or herself usually victimized and completely unable to escape that one specific and inevitably looming occurrence, all those horrible and consequently traumatizing emotions can be relived and handled from a safely remote point. This way the trauma of perhaps having been burnt at the stake as a falsely convicted witch back in the 1300s somewhere in Europe is actualized and placed into the present moment of conscious realization. Healing can now finally set in, although this process usually doesn't happen spontaneously or immediately but rather gradually depending on both the severity of the medical issue and its correlated traumatic experience. The step of becoming aware of that actually bridges the gap between back then and now solely due to its momentary relevance. Thus the woman struggling with full- blown Asthma is now starting to slowly but surely moving into the right direction. By letting go of that crippling fear of succumbing to smoke inhalation in ways of detaching again step by step from what happened in that past life, she will finally gain control over her labored breathing and get well for the first time in a long time. - There was that intriguing case of a middle- aged man who was suffering from a very persistent form of milk allergy which made leading a normal life almost impossible. The last straw he clung to was a past- life regression hoping to find some answers there. Only after a prolonged series of sessions, his souls finally gave way to that particular life or better that fateful incident which had evoked his present condition. He returned to that moment when he engaged himself in an inappropriate sexual act with a young male. The cows, his own livelihood, had just been milked by that boy who he now found himself raping. During this violent act the full buckets of milk got tossed over spilling all the milk. For us, perhaps at first sight, any obvious direct connection appears to be missing here, but deep in his heart, that man suddenly sensed and regretted his wrongdoing on more than just one level. Not only had he "just" violated that teenager, but at the same time he had also violated the worth of his own livelihood. As a result that individual was now forced to live with with a milk allergy which not only affected his well- being (his sex life included) but also his occupational life. Once that client embraced to connect the past with the present, he started to mend after all and rid himself of his karmic chains for once and all. - Pretty sure, most of us have had to face numerous traumata head on but would not necessarily give it a serious thought as to why we run around all that psychotic, neurotic, compulsive, schizophrenic, etc., right? I am fairly certain though, if we started to combine psychiatric, psychological and medical treatment with past- life regression, we would no longer need to feel tormented like that throughout an entire lifetime but could start the over- all healing process in the HERE and NOW by bringing together the past and the present. - A long time ago a speech- therapist suggested that by diving back into our past existences, we would encounter plenty of second chances in order to change the outcome of karmically conflicted relationships which had once started out naturally complex and then developed into what they finally presented themselves in that present life. Right away, I found that thought extremely mesmerizing and compelling, and my view or rather my approach on Karma consequently underwent a 360- degree change. This has helped me in a number of precarious relationship cases already, but read more about that next week.


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