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Every Relationship Counts - Karmically

Every Relationship Counts - Karmically - So, you meet someone for the first time in your (present) life, and then what? You find that you either take to that new acquaintance instantaneously or quite on the contrary, even though you don't know why, you just can't stomach them. Most of the time though, you just take them as they come along, rather neutrally and in strides this is, right? The golden rule #1 is: If the two of you get along really well from the get- go, this relationship in fact comes as a blessing and will be working, guaranteed. Those folks often become dear friends or even partners for life. However, if the opposite is the case and you sense quite some tension, discordance or simply the potential for trouble down the road, prepare yourself for battle. From a karmic point of view, this type of relationship is tough, complex, intense, and often devastating and can involve parents, siblings, children, spouses, and even co- workers. The first group can generally be seen as easy- going, smooth and up- lifting. Soulmates are to be found there, too. They may very well experience a joint adventure on rugged terrain due to past life issues which simply need to be addressed - together. You just know the very moment you meet again that this is indeed a very special event. When I finally stood across from my husband more than 10 years ago, I suddenly recognized his soul through his eyes from a distance which would normally make it impossible for me to even spot the eye color without wearing my glasses. Anyway, I immediately knew that we had been roaming space and time together through the eons. Time and time again we would run into each other in changed roles, settings and sexes. We've been friends, lovers, siblings, comrades, and so on for quite some time. Have we always created harmony in our previous life times? Of course not! After all, this karmic journey of ours, just like anyone else's, has been nothing but a constant learning experience with both great success as well as horrific setbacks. The good thing about all of this is that this long ride will eventually lead us to where we are ultimately supposed to be on a soul level. Many of us have been through hell and back with the major advantage that we've been able to share much of that indispensable karmic experience with our soulmates. One day we will all overcome our ego- driven flaws and travel on in perfect sync with one another. I've been asked on many occasions whether there is more than just one soulmate per person and life time. The answer is yes, quite likely. I've heard of numerous folks who have had the chance to get acquainted with two or even three soulmates, considering that soulmates may also come back as family. However, sometimes we go through a life or two without any of our soulmates around us. On the level of intimate partnerships, we may at times find our second soulmate during one and the same existence although the common goals are usually rather different compared to the ones tackled before with soulmate number one. - The second group more or less comprises non- defining relationships with neutrals, so to speak. We tend to accept them without any ado and often refer to them as colleagues, acquaintances and people we just know. Don't underestimate their value, though as they function fairly well as ideal buffers in life. The third group is the most compelling, challenging, draining but also the most teachable group. Knowing and yet ignoring the signs of a huge initial Ouch with this kind of first- time contacts, we often feel drawn to those occult, dubious, notorious, manipulative, and not seldom dangerously charismatic and magnetic individuals. Despite obviously starting off on the wrong foot, we just can't help but fall for them head over heels. Even though all signs seem to deflect and divert from continuing on with them, we just fall deeper into chaos willing to risk everything. In the long run, this always leads to sadistic or masochistic and above all cruel one- sided power games with no option of winning in this kind of relationship. The weaker one may suffer a great deal now, but the tables will eventually turn and the perpetrator finally become the victim in another lifetime and get a fair chance to experience similar struggles first- hand him or herself. I've witnessed, heard of and also personally gone through a number of karmically toxic relationships, and this is why I consider it so incredibly significant that we try and find out through past- life regressions what happened and which principles require correction and healing. Once we move into this immensely liberating state of awareness, we can go back in our karmic history and work true wonders by solemnly expressing our thanks, offering as well as asking for forgiveness, and finally detaching ourselves from those souls. Let me describe to you next week what a ritual like this does to both sides.   


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