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Chaotic Consequences -> Consequential Chaos

Chaotic Consequences -> Consequential Chaos - Good morning everyone! - Remember, last week I was writing about laws, rules and regulations for our souls, the low- level ones in particular, that are necessary in order to learn how to overcome the basic instinct of annihilating mankind for no other motives but sheer lust for power, fun and boredom. Today I'd like to focus on the consequences of laws, rules, restrictions, orders, etc. the way they're commonly executed. What exactly are the consequences like should we decide to no longer go with the flow but start behaving legally counter- actively? - As a child I vividly remember thinking about punishment in all its different forms as something truly evil but absolutely necessary. With a hot- tempered father like mine, I had to rather quickly and painfully adapt the meaning of consequential punishment. Whenever I lied or did something wrong, I would get punished right away, so early on I learnt to avoid doing whatever evoked my dad's and my teachers' wrath. 40 years later I look at people here and at their kids and grandkids, and I'm simply blown away how so many get away with just a slap on their wrists. Needless to say, nobody is flawless, and I'm certainly no exception either. I stole, too, when I was in my early teens, but boy was I lucky that the shop owner decided not to report me to the police! Instead she sat me down and talked some reason into me, enough to quit touching stuff that wasn't mine for once and all. Afterwards I felt like a piece of crap, but I was certainly thankful that my dad never got word of that incident as he definitely would have chopped my head off. As I consequently see it, everybody deserves one chance in life, and I'm pretty sure that this happens here as well, and that's perfectly alright! Anyone who commits the same or other crimes over and over again, though is usually held accountable, summoned to court and given a fine or a jail or prison sentence depending on the nature of the felony. It all makes perfect sense up to here. However, what really sucks are the consequential steps in their severity! Fines and penalties must indeed be way too small and too petty as it apparently still doesn't face a lot of folks in the least. If it did, they wouldn't repeatedly get themselves into trouble, I would assume. Maybe this is just not the right kind of legal consequences after all. Has anyone ever thought of that? As far as being and staying incarcerated here in the United States, I can just shake my head in disbelief. With the exception of very few correctional facilities the majority offers almost- country- club- like flair. What a joke and insult to mock the hard- working part of our tax- paying society like that! Humane is all right, but believe me, too mild simply does not cut it looking at the numbers which entirely speak for themselves. The #1 nation in the world with the most laws and simultaneously the most correctional facilities has the highest number of criminals as well as inmates! Let me ask you, what's wrong with this picture? The law of attraction is a fairly simple one, like attracts like on its own level, so how about taking a closer and more critical look at the substance of both legally imposed and enforced consequences? In the long run, none of those established throughout the industrial world will ever work to the benefit of improving social behavior as long as the bad apples are handled with kid gloves. Fear is therefore the only tool that works effectively and sufficiently enough to keep all the low lives on the straight path until their souls are developed enough and ready to truly follow their desire to produce better actions for themselves. Fear simply controls and harnesses all those basic instincts from getting out of hand on a pandemic scale. Apparently love does not work on that basic soul level as of yet because it is simply not understood and felt at all. Until then we have to keep society in check with much harsher and truly draconian consequences that are feared indeed. The only reason why crime is on such a dramatic rise on American soil is because consequences are either half- hearted and thus completely ridiculed and not taken seriously or even worse not in place at all. With millions of criminals crawling out of the wood work a juridical system with no serious consequences inevitably equals pure chaos for those who are fighting for stability in our society and a paradisiacal playground for the bad guys. 


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