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Careful What You Wish For (I)

Careful What You Wish For (I) - Hello, dear readers, and welcome back to my blog! - Thinking back to when I was fairly young still, (don't ask me how) I just knew that our souls would ultimately be either the Lord's or the Devil's. In all seriousness, as long as I can remember, I have, strangely enough, always been aware of particularly this kind of polarity which, on second thought, may have come as a result of having already been there myself before, so to speak. No doubt whatsoever, such a hypothetical thought is solely valid, provided it does stem from the solid conviction of reincarnation and rebirth. Well, being a firm believer and advocate in the light of past as much as future lives as the creator of the fabrics of our personal or rather individual Karma, I decided to not just blindly trust in it but to actually boldly demand ironclad proof. Boy, oh boy! I was definitely in for a major surprise once receiving exactly that not all that long ago! Okay, in the process of gradually recollecting a past (male) existence of mine dating back to the 1700s in France, I would ultimately discover my ulterior motives underlying all of the forthcoming story unraveling in the gloomiest and most harmful ways possible. The reason being, I had simply sold my soul to Satan because my wish to be with that married temptress had me in its grip and was consuming my entire being. Not knowing how to meet this burning desire of mine, I was soon willing to do just anything. At last, I formed a pact with the Devil in the hope to find satisfaction. Well, what am I telling you without giving away the entire story line? Even though, I ended up getting what I had been yearning for, it did come at a very high price. In the end, I was held accountable for all the complex entanglements, the pain, the destruction, the discord, and the fatalities that I alone had called into life as a direct consequence of having forced my carnal desires to be recklessly fulfilled at my command. Very much like Wolfgang Goethe's literary masterpiece Faust, in which Mephisto (the devil) promised to help the insatiable scientist Heinrich Faust bring his dreams to fruition, I was given full reign with respect to the pursuit of my egotistic goals. In a rather similar manner, I, too, was to eventually pay the ferryman, and his price was steep, to say the least. - Anyway, I felt so incredibly compelled and moved by my own story that I could not help but sit down and write an entire trilogy about that one single lifetime - which turned out quite therapeutical. For all of you who are interested, the ebook is called Pure Obsession and is available on Amazon. Com under the pseudonym Nika Leandra. - Cutting to the chase here, I have never quite warmed up to either that major school literature classics or to that ominous and yet very commonly used proverbial warning about being careful what you wish for. Quite rightly, you may be wondering now why the heck I would want to share such personal facts with you, strangers, after all? This, however, is easily explained considering how fine that line which we all walk on through life actually is. From that perspective, my story may very well serve you as a warning, if you will. Also, know that there is indeed much more truth in that popular saying than you might ever assume. At all times, look at your wishes and desires closely and weigh them carefully. Whatever it is, get clear on whether you NEED or rather WANT it. If it turns on your obsessive button, meaning you feel you need to do whatever it takes to reach your goal, it is of clearly toxic nature and consequently highly susceptible to being driven and steered by dark forces alike. At this most pivotal point in the game, you are seriously advised to instantly drop that wish or desire, detach from it emotionally and just walk away. Paradoxically, this very junction holds both, the good and the bad in form of the reasonable and rational versus the unreasonable and irrational. It is all your choice, yours only. Your either- or- pick automatically determines how you are about to fare in regard to the consequences attached. Us, the spiritual seekers, we believe and trust in the universe taking care of each and everyone accordingly and at the same time sufficiently enough. And that is precisely the difference between truly needing and just wanting something. For instance, is it merely a means of personal transport that you wish for a car, or should I say any car at this point, or does your dream of owning one exceed the basic need of daily work commute targeting the purchase of a prestigious Status- Quo kind of a vehicle such as a Mercedes? Are you getting my drift? My apologies if I keep repeating myself like a broken record, but, first and foremost, it is still the intention itself behind a wish as well as its resulting action which infallibly shapes the corresponding outcome. Another example, are you trying to be kind to your fellowmen because you truly follow your heart regardless of the response, or because you have certain goals in mind such as winning their trust only to abuse it at a later point in time because you are ready to pursue nothing else but your personal gains? Think about it. - To be continued next time.            


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