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Utter Perversion (III) - Gender Bender

Utter Perversion (III) - Gender Bender - Men are from Mars ♂, and women are from Venus ♀. Two opposites that could in fact not be any more polar in many regards. And as if that was not quite yet enough to handle, we're not now just fantasizing about multiple genders but, what's even worse, in all seriousness, we're pretending the existence of such! What the heck happened??? In a time where longstanding stereotypes of what is supposed to be portraying purely masculine and what entirely feminine are more or less on the brink of dissolution. Instead unisex look, appearance and mannerism is clearly on the rise making it ever the harder to distinguish male from female. At this very point, I'm truly tempted to refer to Earth as the place that we have learnt to arrange ourselves, no matter the sex.  Alright, while I keep hearing tons of complaints, mainly from the male chauvinist front about women just no longer willingly acting, dressing and most importantly submitting themselves to their stronger, smarter and superior male counterparts, the critical voices on many women's part about men turning into overly soft and often spineless woosies don't seem to be fading any time soon either. Well, I've got news for you. Times have changed, the way they have before and the way they will in the future. The sooner you get used to it, the better - period. For all the astrology buffs out there, the age of Aquarius simply calls for unification and assimilation simultaneously. There's nothing we can do about it, much less change or prevent it from happening. With that strict line between male and female ultimately vanishing entirely, we should just go with the flow, but no, instead, we are bound to watch absurdities surface that just take the last straw. I suppose, you could say that the zodiac energies of Aquarius are infamous for producing overall strange ideas and effects, and that's quite likely the reason for the delusional creation of several in- between genders. Some time ago, I was committed to not skimming through a lengthy article in a special edition of National Geographics History magazine but actually reading it. It was entirely on gender variety including the proper labeling of those peculiar self- proclaimed specimen. As much as I tried, I just could not do it. Today I find it impossible to even recall one single sub- category, let alone one specification. What I vividly remember, though, are the various pictures showing all those rather young desperados so pathetically fighting for their readers' attention. Again, I had so badly wanted to understand, but I was way too bewildered and perplexed to grasp anything really. I'm just wondering why on earth we would want to call more genders into life than the two (in some cases including hermaphrodites) that we have been dealing with since the beginning of mankind? After all, we should not forget that our Creator only put man and woman on this earthly plane of ours. Even according to the thousand year- old Chinese concept of duality expressed through the symbol of Yin- Yang ☯️, there is just no space for alternative variations such as a third, fourth, fifth or how many more different and valid genders. Biologically speaking, we are born either with the chromosome pairing XY or XX. This is a fact which cannot be denied, at least not quite yet. Only in rare cases does the genetic make- up reveal both 46 XY and 46 XX, which is commonly referred to as hermaphroditism, a coining of Hermes and Aphrodites, both Greek Gods. Believe me, I totally get it when people claim that they are caught in the wrong sex. Have you noticed that I am purposely avoiding the term body here? The reason being, in my opinion, this is an absolutely perfect illusion in itself. As a firm believer in the notion of regression, past lives and rebirth, I actually do acknowledge our choice at soul level in regards of sex, geographic location, life- circumstances, fate, and, yes, even our parents, siblings, spouses and friends. If it is the soul's wish to grow by experiencing gender confusion and learning about resulting insecurities, harassment and alienation that often come with "picking" the wrong sex, so be it. The ego's desire to correct and consequently override that sacred goal proves to be both counter- active and - productive. Sure enough, in countless cases, a soul might have become just a little too comfortable and content reincarnating in the same sex over and over again, meaning the likelihood of getting stuck in that sort of one- sidedness has created obstacles along its path of growth and thus reached the last bit of a dead- end road. For that specific reason, such fixated souls eventually need to reroute and regroup themselves. Ready to swallow the bitter pill after all, they may ultimately find themselves either terribly lost or entirely misplaced in this fairly real hell on earth. From a Karmic point of view, a clearly male- born body (XY) is not expected to be transformed into a female one unless explicitly requested by the soul itself. Vice versa, an originally female- born (XX) should not seek to be modeled after a man's because she wants to. In fact, our souls are so much wiser and far more sapient than our little tiny but mega- inflated egos will ever be and are therefore no match whatsoever. In this sense, just let me repeat: If a soul feels that it needs to finally move on to a different and with that often higher level or just yearns for the kind of experience mentioned afore, we do need to respect that. - Please, rest assured, it is definitely not my intention to discriminate homosexual tendencies in any way, shape or form. To each their own, for sure. However, who are you, confused beings, actually trying to fool by optically converting into the opposite sex through surgery or clothing? You may very well be able to pull off that stunt with respect to your personal surrounding. However, I'm afraid to tell you that you will lastly most miserably fail in doing so towards yourself for you just can't deceive yourself, not to mention your own soul.                             


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