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The New World Order (I)

The New World Order (I) - The other night, as we were watching the premiere of Knightfall, a highly praised show about the Knights Templar, my husband was wondering how those guys would be doing in today's world. No idea really, where it exactly originated from, but my response came as fast as a shot. "Well, we are all back again, aren't we?", I said and was just as quick to add, "We still know how to fight with the sword as fearless as we all are." Of course, one needs to believe in the concept of reincarnation first and foremost in order to accordingly relate to a reaction such as this one. Therefore, if this is just not your cup of tea, feel free to return to my blog some other time. In contrast, to all those who feel that they have already been around for an indefinite period of time, let me assure the following: It is not my intention to act as the bearer of bad news here when I claim that it is fact high time we finally woke up, unleashed the dormant forces deep inside us and rose to the occasion fighting the so- called New World Order. For more than 70 years, the wealthiest and also most powerful individuals who for one, spring from the Free Mason Lodge known as the Illuminati, partially also represent famous banker dynasties such as the Rothschilds and what's more, constitute the World Council under the label of The Bilderbergs, have been concocting, planning and forging well under our noses and yet under the shroud of absolute secrecy what translates to the creation of a new world order. 70 plus years, for God's sake! That is quite some seriously considerable time in this day and age where progress on all possibly thinkable levels has been picking up tremendous speed. Some 70 years ago, this takes us back to the 1940s as the post- WWII era was rung in supposedly in a peaceful, humanitarian, empathic and innovative manner. I am not saying that particularly as a direct consequence of the likely most devastating 5 and a half years of war aggression, their intentions were all bad from the get- go. However, I cannot help thinking that over time those have ultimately turned fairly dark, put it mildly. Sure enough, we are actually led to believe that what it has all come to globally suggests otherwise, but you see, this is just as inaccurate and as far away from the truth as deceit can be. Those 120 and in the very last instance merely 12 people's intent is to actually put a halt to the exploding world population. This, though, is still done sensibly enough as to avoid risking upheavals on an unprecedented pandemic scale. Did you know that in this special regard the word is out about a laughable 500 million inhabitants on earth who could live rather comfortably compared to a potential 20- fold number? I bet, this is news to most of you. Anyway, now just take a guess how we are gradually being decimated. Quite right, they are eventually driving us all into infertility on the one hand by experimenting on us like on guinea pigs by means of inoculation, odorless and invisible chemtrails from the air, genetically modified foods, hormonal changes, etc. On the other hand, we in the western or rather highly developed parts of the world are currently being held kind of ransom by a "refugee" migrational movement beyond any compare in Modern History for the alleged sake of re- populating demographically thinly spread areas and simultaneously at the price of having to watch all past culture go to the dogs as thousands of years of World History and traditions are being wiped out by primitive and backward brutes. Apparently, not quite enough yet, gender equality is suddenly also on the chopping block and purposely flung out the window just as domestic religious values and rites are ever the more recklessly discarded, mind you in our own countries. Furthermore, we are forced to passively observe all social structures being tossed out and replaced by God knows what while being repeatedly asserted that the influx from Africa and the Middle East is contributing to a healthy form of globalization. Listen up, growing together is all very well as long as we are not thrown back into the barbaric prehistoric ages. We Westerners have worked too long and too hard to be subjugated to such a black- hole state of existence on our soil which by the way is entirely against our will and our integrity. Again, it is time to wake up after all. - To be continued next week.


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