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Adieu False Friend

Adieu False Friend 

"Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity." Khalil Gibran

Well, well, ... You see, there is that someone who has repeatedly asserted to be my buddy and who is just once more irking me quite a bit displaying such an obviously snubbing behavior again. That very person knows who is being mentioned here and may now even claim fame to being devoted this week's blog post to. - To be quite honest, I find it puzzling that so many folks here keep confusing the concept of friendship with acquaintance. If life has taught me anything, it is that friendship means constant work, mind you, mutual input and does certainly not just survive untreated all by itself for the sake of its mere existence. Actually, quite the opposite is the case here. Friendship is always a two- way street and requires plenty of continuous effort to grow, cherish and ultimately maintain it. An acquaintance, on the other hand, is basically nothing more than knowing someone a little better than a complete stranger. Thus, rather logically, most of our human contacts comprise family and well, acquaintances. Usually it is only a couple to maybe a handful of people that we call pals, and that actually makes sense as we can't randomly be friends with just anyone. - I truly consider myself lucky and hence keep counting my blessings with a whole bunch of dear friends in my boat on the other side of the world. We all go back decades by now, and it fills me with enormous pride to know them in my life. On this continent, though, for some inexplicable reason, I seem to be having a really tough time, not so much as far as making friends but keeping them around. Of course, there are a few women that I have been able to befriend over the years here as well, but believe me when I say I have meanwhile seen more than my fair share of disappointment. In only eleven years that I have lived here, I have definitely experienced more letdowns, drama and crises than in my 40 years before. Go figure! - I admit feeling presently fairly discouraged with one person in particular which just puts the dot in the i, I suppose. This is the summary of all that has happened up to now which indicates that I am way beyond that stage of sole frustration already concerning our ghastly roller- coaster ride. As a consequence of that massive accumulation after barely three years, I have now sadly and irreversibly reached that point of absolute defeat. Well, my dear phony confidant: With a heavy heart, I shall herewith let you go for once and all as you have not just most ruthlessly trampled all over my sincere attempts of establishing a friendship but also quite frequently treated me with the utmost disrespect. Honestly, after a while, it does get old to having to wait for phone calls or messages to be returned forever if at all on such a regular base. And tell me, who decides out of the blue and on a whim to drop a phone call and not even bother to reconnect later on to maybe explain what happened? A true friend will not make me believe they truly appreciate my presence and my talents, nor will they show fake interest in what I do and then just cold- shoulder me, disparage my achievements and ultimately bypass me by opting to go through my husband rather on certain occasions. More than once you utterly audaciously took the liberty to lash out, bash and deliberately offend me in the most blatant and reckless manner possible. Unbelievable! No doubt, you clearly overstepped the mark the day you began to criticize and question my stage persona, outfit, choice of songs, etc. I am confident to state that true friends never feel the need or rather the urge to change each other but rather accept one another the way they are. And how dare you threatened me so whimsically to call our friendship off just because I had allegedly expressed garbage when in reality this was nothing but the truth! Sorry, but this type of aggressive conduct is neither motherly nor "friend- ly" supportive. Lies over lies, and countless empty promises broken time and time again. Well, as the English saying goes, talk is cheap. Yes, you may consider me intense, super- sensitive, over- bearing and clingy if you prefer to mistake honest and whole- hearted friendship engagement for the absurd intention to own you. Let me be perfectly clear, nobody owns you unless you actively allow to be owned. Anyway, I have always tried my best to show deep respect to you and to also pamper, revive and keep our friendship going. It is a matter of fact that actions speak louder than words, and from just that I was finally able to spot your true colors as clearly as day. Regardless of what I did or how much I tried, let's be honest, at the end of the day, I was just never good enough for you. Perhaps you seriously don't know the value of true and dear friendship and that's why you generally come across as insincere, rude and indifferent as you do. If seven out of ten times you consider me a mere pesky inconvenience rather than a priority, I'm afraid, I shall no longer honor our friendship because I feel worthless. True friends don't just forget or simply ignore to acknowledge birthdays, promotions, anniversaries and alike because they usually wish to partake in our joy and happiness. In my opinion, trying to easily get off the hook by using the church as an excuse for refraining from such is more than cheap. Never mind, I could go on and on, but you see, it is just no longer worth my breath or my time. Nevertheless, as usual, I sincerely wish you the very best from the bottom of my heart. Additionally, let me somewhat masochistically utter Thank You for that bitter lesson that you have so generously taught me. Last but not least, may you continue your carefree stroll into the golden sunset on your beloved yellow brick road.      


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