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Off The Charts (I)

Off The Charts (I) - Happy New Year everyone and welcome back to my blog!  I truly hope you all had a memorable holiday season and a fun- filled transition into 2017. - Even though, this year is said to form the beginning of a brand- new 9 year- cycle, at least from an astrological point of view, I quite honestly lack the trust and hope necessary for our planet to seize the chance to actually improve matters. On the contrary, what I seem to be noticing ever the more these days does no longer just blow my mind but meanwhile scares and equally saddens me. Therefore, on the one hand, mankind primarily in industrial societies around the globe keeps inevitably marching backwards evolutionarily while literally decaying and degenerating on all levels possible at once. On the other side, I just can't help feeling awkwardly amused by how serious of an effort is being put into raising a completely spineless, whiny, ignorant, unproductive, and delusional generation lastly to be classified as nothing more than essentially utterly useless wimps and cry- babies. I really tend to start favoring the newly coined term of "Snowflakes", characteristic of promptly bursting and melting on the slightest touch. Furthermore, there is this subtle and yet problematically striking trend of appeasing, unifying and consequently dumbing the masses for the mere sake of facilitated tractability by our atrociously corrupt global governments. They guarantee that there will never ever be a single day of shortage regarding the supply of drugs of just any kind. This also includes sugar, carbs and meds just as much as legal and illegal substances as we know of them. On top of that sneaky and heinously subliminal endeavor of general stultification for mainly controlling purposes, stupid is indeed all too pathetically glorified, worshipped and even idolized more and more as if this route was going to promise a truly challenging merit ever. One by one, folks are falling over just like defenseless and weak matches in a domino effect as fast as this pandemic apparently catches on. Candy- coated, fully customized, blind- siding and not seldom entirely falsified news sources mean to deliberately steer away from the actual truth out there and instead divert and distract us with annoyingly nonsensical and shallow fictitious tall tales. Quite paradoxically, as a result, we as the collective are slowly but surely converted into demoralized brutes and desensitized barbarians since we are forced ever the more to face overall dreadful images depicting war, terror, mental and physical abuse, divisiveness, hatred, destruction, and war. Wackily enough, though, we are simultaneously showered with a great deal of sidelining impulses such as the much preferred portrayal of perfect- world impulses like babies, puppies, cars, houses, etc. Such appeasing stimuli certainly call for a much softer side in us even if it is still nothing short of a mere illusion. Seriously, how schizophrenic and out of alignment is that after all? Last but not least, there's the indisputably overwhelming majority of 70% dummies in basically every human society. On a brighter note, were it for my dad, that number would be a sky- rocking 97% rather. Anyway, the proof for DUMB is undeniably in the pudding as one barely manages to scrape by that fact on a daily base. You just need to turn on the TV or the radio even to quickly find yourself fully immersed and serenaded by especially stupid commercials made for well, imbeciles and simps in the first place. In this regard, I don't even feel like mentioning the spectrum of entertainment anymore which is usually broadly offered in return for one's hard- earned dough. Hands down, most shows, films and series aired today reveal a quality, on a massive scale, of either predominantly traumatized, dramatized, barbarized or just completely contrarily, sickeningly mushed up delusional realities. Speaking of quality in this respect is clearly misleading if not to say deceptive as quantity has become the actual replacement for that acting as a cheap filler rather than anything else. - More about that next week.


  1. I agree but what is the solution ? We are in this asses and elbows but where do we go from here ? Would be interesting to hear your comment on that .


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