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Senseless Awareness (II)

Senseless Awareness - Hello everyone! After weeks of rather abundant topical distraction, I shall now finally be able to resume my post on Senseless Awareness (I). - Blaming myself for showing likely the greatest deal of impatience ever, I just can't help noticing, though how dramatically thin- spread this virtue appears to have become everywhere by now. Judging from my impression, it looks as if everyone's patience was wearing thin in no time, and as if ever the fewer people were willing to hold back anymore but rather preferred to most blatantly and boldly demonstrate their disapproval, aversions and lack of empathy as far as encountering their opposite in a more forbearing, respectful, understanding and indulgent fashion. To be honest, this scares even an individual like me who has somehow got used to this harsh mannerism due to being frequently misunderstood and consequently labeled as a bitch. Having said this, I am herewith referring to the actual problem there is. Nowadays, hardly anyone seems to be bothering taking their time anymore to get to know someone with the tolerance and care needed. Why on earth is this, you may wonder? Well, let me go back 38 years to when I began to actually learn English in High School. I remember quickly getting stuck with the weird impression that the folks on the North American continent simply had to foster a culture of superficiality which was quite something and frankly nothing but an utter turn- off in my opinion. The simplest exchange of salutation such as "How are you?" - "Thanks, I am great, and you?" already conveyed a certain unequivocal vibe of shallowness and eventually made me ponder why. During my first visit to Canada in 1985, I was taught hands- on that everyone applied "great" or "good" and that it was simply expected from me to respond very much the same way as nobody would be interested in learning about my true feelings. Boom, there it was my wake- up call! Even my Austrian- born relatives had evidently rather swiftly and easily immersed themselves in this mentality and would also demonstrate that behavior during their frequent visits back home. Up to this day, I occasionally feel like expressing the truth which is, "Thanks, but today I am just not good", but this would clearly make me stand out even more which in the meantime I honestly have become pretty sick of. Thus, I, too, have somehow learnt to adapt by basically telling white lies whenever I'm expected to just float on the surface. Nonetheless, this form of "slickness" I shall never ever succumb to because this is just not who I am. Never mind, after living here for more than a decade now, I have come to the somber realization that superficiality is by no means just a long- standing stereotype solely taught in English books but a very real and above all fairly striking characteristic and that people in general are increasingly growing apart from one another as a direct consequence of this way of life. These days, it does not really matter anymore which places you go to, for there is hardly any more nice word spoken, patient ear lent, respectful attention shown, let alone any heartfelt empathy exercised. Very true, even on the European continent all of this is gradually and unstoppably going down the drain. Being an esoteric person, I am also all too conscious of the psychological fact that any external impressions produced through our immediate surrounding essentially serve as mirrors that unsparingly reflect and highlight our individual weaknesses and blind spots in order to raise the awareness needed to alter our behavior. My journey here has been nothing short of painful so far away from home, but I certainly share this mirroring experience with each and everyone I get in touch with on a daily base. Overall, I truly consider myself aimlessly drifting around in a vast ocean of mostly indifference, impatience, ignorance as well as overly sophisticated selfishness and pure egoism which at times almost pulls me under water and drowns me. I admit, I don't have the faintest clue as to what advice to provide you with from a spiritual point of view to get out of this trap. Left and right, people are scammed and preyed upon often in a heartbreakingly stone- cold way or are ostracized, estranged, excluded and even hunted down over differences in race, religion, creed, sexual orientation, political views, general opinions, etc. Still too many are killed because they are regarded as rivals, troublemakers, obstacles, opponents, non- conformists, and much more and often simply stand in somebody's way. Others are murdered just for the fun of it or out of mere boredom and lack of stimuli. It appears that in numerous corners of our world, a life doesn't mean much anymore or is just no longer worth being continued, nor does it seem to bother lots of fellow men and women how others around them are doing. This is all because we have become way too disengaged, too shallow, too egotistic and too little patient with each other. Seriously, what is the purpose of having such an evolutionarily advanced conscience if in the end we are turning ever the more into living zombies with no care, respect, compassion, love and sense in our lives? We all need to return to the divine source - no matter which God we pray to - and also reconnect with our spirituality if we want to change things around and improve our all life quality.          


  1. I totally agree with you. I believe that people would rather form their own conclusions and walk away. For example, in a friendship situation, your friend might have heard that you said something about them that they may might not like. Or, you did something to them that they might not like. It has been my experience that they get mad and slowly fade from your life. I believe that we should learn to talk to one another and discuss whatever the issue is. After all isn't that what friendship is about. I am also aware of what some people think about me. If it's something that I can get constructive criticsm about, I would love to hear it. Otherwise how will I know. We can solve more issues by communicating more and assuming less


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