All Black And Blue (IV) - After somewhat dissecting the indisputably ultra- racist BLM or "Black- Lives- Matter"- Movement which has more or less blatantly declared war on all that represents democracy invented and de jure dictated by the white man, we should, of course, in all fairness also zoom in on their main target, this country's mainly blue- coated police force. Well, well, what can I honestly say? Many, in fact too many cops are reportedly and provenly by no means of clear conscience and guilt, and therefore I have to admit that I just don't like what I keep hearing and seeing. I do understand all about the effort that is being hurriedly put in as far as improving matters considerably to basically shut everyone up, but I just can't help it, there are still too many accounts of unprofessional, untrained, biased and uncontrolled policing acts aka faux pas, and I just despise each and every single one. First of all, we need to actually become a little more familiar with the psyche of a law enforcement person in order to grasp the true extent of individually executed power on their behalf with regard to both, in- and destruction. In fact, it is often times the bullied and ridiculed underdogs themselves that preferably follow that insatiable, burning urge to become someone important, influential and powerful. Nothing wrong with that per se! Don't get me wrong, it is clearly not my intention to either condemn by measuring everything by the same yardstick or express my general dislike for this profession altogether. As a matter of fact, I just look at the whole police apparatus from a primarily psychological point of view and then go about analyzing the way I always do. Sadly, a rather large percentage of those loners and oddballs or wanna- be- heroes are by nature utterly gullible and highly impressionable and consequently easily fall prey to corruption which is often cleverly sprinkled down on them usually from the top tiers within that police hierarchy. I'm certainly not saying all, but still far too many claim the right of supremacy by enforcing their own ego- driven and customized laws once they are compromised by monetary or other status- quo related rewards and upgrades. Frankly, whoever feels entitled to just raise above the law and physically or mentally abuse innocent and defenseless individuals in the process of apprehension or incarceration, needs to be removed from that position immediately and irreversibly - bottom line. Way too many psycho- an sociopaths are just too comfortably embedded in countless police stations all over the country and must be weeded out before some of those absolutely worthless men and women spread that infection among enthusiastic and willing newcomers. After all, the power coming from both the effect of imitation (bandwagon effect) as well as the drive for perfect assimilation is a tempting one, and its impact should definitely not be underestimated. Thus, the line ought to be drawn right there before this sort of bad behavior is copied just once more. This implies, no excuse whatsoever and certainly no second or third chances! Thank God, I know a few very likable and terrific police folks of absolute integer and discrete character who will in all likeliness underscore my claims. Now a word to the commendable, hard- working and genuinely incorruptible in- structors among the law executive. Like with anything else, in the very first place, you are supposed to weigh in on the mental rather than the physical aspect and train newbies accordingly. Let's be honest, any idiot can shoot a gun these days. (Generally speaking, the issue of all too easy availability regarding firearms in this country leaves a lot to be said and also desired and should therefore be discussed separately at some other time.) Background checks need to be reinforced on a much more regular base along with preliminary mental assessment as quite logically not everyone is fit for such a distressful high profile job. Should someone prove to be inadequate to become a cop, he or she must never be accepted to begin with or even worse kept on in just because of a vast national shortage or just because it's too costly and too inconvenient to train or replace colleagues. This unveils just another major problem which in my mind is a typically American one. We are basically talking about a very obvious degree of "peskiness" as far as work ethics is generally understood. I love to just call this half- heartedness or rather commonly referred to as "half- assedness". Having meanwhile affected people of all walks of life, I can unfortunately see this latent cancerous growth metastasizing throughout the entire US society already which will ultimately drive it to the brink of economic disaster. I perfectly understand and also do acknowledge the value and psychological impact of mantras and positive affirmations, but it just does not make you a police man or woman because you set your mind to it following the national conviction that you can be anything or rather anyone you want as long as you work on it. No unfortunately, there are rather harshly realistic limits to this kind of positive reinforcement. A fish will never be able to climb a mountain, and vice versa, a mountain goat will never be able to breathe under water. This analogy well applies to us human beings just as much if not more. I, for instance, could never work as a legal person as I wouldn't be able to study and memorize all that legal lingo or jargon, or just the thought of me having to work as a sower in some factory cracks me up at best for I simply suck at sowing, period. Are you catching my drift? It just can't be that some feeble buddy and retired security person is taken on the understaffed police team somewhere out in the boonies who then- once exposed to a very real and dramatic situation of life and death - confuses his stunt gun with his pistol and accidentally executes a teenager who happens to be of color on top! I bet, that man was neither technically qualified for any of those challenging tasks nor mentally or physically in shape but was quite likely rather employed to bridge a financial gap of shortage as there are just not the means needed to sustain a fully staffed police station. That's truly sad, don't you agree? Policing is definitely not a harmless computer game but serious and highly demanding work which involves physical fitness and psychological skills alike and must therefore be financially provided for both sufficiently and continuously. And once more, the bad apples must be singled out before the whole basket of fruit starts rotting away as well. - To wrap the whole black versus blue issue up, both sides are called upon straightening out their differences and prejudice. The main culprit is and remains racism on both ends and should consequently be worked on first of all. To all you BLM- supporters, even though I do sympathize with you on many conditions that are just repulsive and unacceptable, war and anarchy is not the final answer. Instead, open your hearts and sit down with us stupid whities for we need to finally engage in a serious dialogue about racial tolerance and offer our heartfelt forgiveness. To this nation's law enforcement folks, well, you need to make sure that you are truly made and fit for this kind of rough job. There's no shame in admitting that you are not, for we just can't be what we are told that we can be, and above all, because we can. Besides, there needs to be done a whole lot more of evaluation work, especially mentally, and last but not least, a constant flow of subsidies must be guaranteed to maintain and sustain training facilities as well as top notch training personell, so your police are finally equipped for all cases possible.
Seelenpartner, Zwillingsseelen, ... Alles Aus Einer Einzigen Seele (II) - Die Dauer unserer Zusammenkünfte mit anderen Seelen mag von einigen Minuten bis hin zu einer Stunde, einem Tag, einer Dekade oder sogar darüber hinaus variieren. Das zeichnet uns grundsätzlich alle aus. Beziehungen lassen sich niemals zeitlich messen sondern vielmehr in geteilten wie gegenseitig beigebrachten Lebenslektionen und kommen durchaus auch zwischen Seelengefährten, Zwillings- und rein theoretisch auch unter Parallelseelen vor. Letztere aber treffen recht unwahrscheinlich zur selben Zeit zusammen. - Lasst mich zuerst auf das Konzept der Zwillingsseelen, Zwillingsflammen oder auch Zwillingsstrahlen eingehen. Kurz zusammengefasst, handelt es sich hierbei um zwei Hälften EIN und DERSELBEN Seele, die zu Anbeginn der Zeit in absolut harmonischer Koexistenz lebten. Selbst als wir uns als Seelen von DER Quelle an sich abspalteten, um uns letztendlich zu individualisieren, waren wir unverändert eins. Jede ...
I think that any law enforcement officer should 1st and foremost have to go through a COMPREHENSIVE mental health evaluation. Then they must be physically fit and healthy. I have nothing against overweight nor am I prejudice again people that are overweight. However, I do think that people in law enforcement should be in top notch physical shape. After all, an officer needs to be able to perform any physical tasks required to apprehend a suspect. Common sense tells us that an officer who may not be in good physical shape could not effectively do this. I think that someone coming out of the military would make an excellent candidate. As far as this racism issue which we seem to be experiencing on a daily basis, I do not think that it is going away anytime soon. I believe that most of the criminals that are on the news or not, come from poverty. This, of course, is not an excuse, but most often a matter of survival. There is an enormous economic gap between the have and have nots. Just like the rich seem to get richer. the poor seem to get poorer. When you are born into poverty, it is a culture of it's own. The rich don't seem to even recognize the poor and the poor continue to despise the rich. Realistically, hatred breeds violence. Until some commonality is established to bind people of all economic status, things will remain the same
ReplyDeleteWell I agree with both to a certain level, As a white man who grew up in the ( ghetto) as they say and have seen both sides of this coin and to be perfectly honest it was mostly the the poorer class that committed 80 % of the crime on the African American side and the police had there hands full for sure but most of it was among themselves and I blame there parents 100 % . We had nothing either but we didn't mug our neighbors and sell dope or break into cars because we would have had to answer to our parents and believe me we received no special treatment from the police . We had welfare like everybody else and we lived off that small amount and went without just like everybody did until we were able to catch a break, which it was actually designed for not a career . All this crap is a degenerative breakdown of the parents of these people who commit crimes and don't feel the need to answer to anybody , well guess what you do, so suck it up buttercup this is not a third world country >