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Going With My Guts I

Going With My Guts I - Hi everyone! - Like many of you I've been following the early stages of pre- presidential election campaigns. Believe me, my blog is not in the least aiming at a political reference in terms of a clear preference of either Democrats or Republicans but rather at the personality cult behind it. In my home country, which is based on a multi- party democratic system, I would hold it fairly similar which means, first and foremost, I would vote for a party not because of their ideology and political concepts but rather because of their representatives. To me it doesn't make much of a difference whether you have two or multiple parties to choose among for there's only that much anyway that's politically suggestible and also feasible. Most parties very well follow their main line such as conservatism or liberalism, but honestly how many parties does it take to be less or more conservative or liberal, more left than right, righter than right, more righteous than righteous, etc.? It's always been red versus blue or orange versus pink or black versus white, etc. I believe, this is called diversity and fits perfectly well into our world of polarity. Okay, back to the point I'm trying to get across here and today. So, lately I've been watching many a political talk through the help of the oh so notoriously one- sided media shamelessly appearing in the cloth of impartiality and honest fairness which in itself is nothing but a big lie as we all know. Anyway, due to the media speaking or rather reporting in forked tongue, I feel I am truly struggling to remain unbiased as I am clearly made believe that this is right and that is wrong. For God's sake, give me a break! I am certainly not stupid and can or rather prefer to think for myself and therefore do not need anyone to put fancy ideas into my head that are just absurd, false and flat- out lies. Again, let me judge for myself! Alright, I would like to say that I am pretty much up to date as far as who is presently leading the national polls, and once more, I do not favor either party for their ideas and principles but rather look towards their leaders. After the last seven years, I've got to admit, I am anything but thrilled with both the national and international merits that have been harvested through this present leadership. I am repeating myself, I am neither an advocate of the in my opinion too fluffy and way too lenient Democrats, nor am I in favor of the overly recessed and exceedingly blind- sided Conservatives. However, I will say that, I once liked Ronald Reagan, and later on my vote clearly went to Bill Clinton because they were and still are pretty charismatic and simply had what it took to rule a mega country like this one. My hat is off to individuals like them because they show genuine care, true love and honest concern for their beloved nation. In the present pool of potential runners for the US- presidency I can not detect an awful lot of charisma, I'm afraid, and the media trying to paint their picture in favor of some of them will not change my perception either. This is somehow very much like meeting someone for the very first time. First impressions matter they say. Sure, what else would if not that? You like that someone or you don't, it's as simple as that. As a non- US citizen I am not allowed to vote which is a shame because at times I wish I could add my little dot as well. Never mind, seven years back I did not support the choice of the latest president but was not too ecstatic about the alternative candidate either, to be honest. However, four years ago, I felt completely different because I simply liked the person Mitt Romney. Now I look around and can only find two out of ten fifteen or more likely candidates that are charismatic in their own ways, and who happen to be in the same pool. Ben Carson is one of them, and the other one is Donald Trump. Two entirely different men as far as skin color, upbringing, back ground, education, career choices, goals, political ideas and views, etc. They are truly like day and night, but one thing for sure, they are both pretty charismatic people persons. What Mr. Carson oozes in charms, Mr. Trump lacks in his entirety, and the one's well- rounded smooth talk clearly clashes with the other candidate's brazen, rude but brutally honest nature. What an interesting pair! - To be continued next week.  


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