From One Soul To Soulmates, Twin Souls, ... (II) - Our meetings with souls vary in duration - from 5 minutes to one hour, a day, a month, a decade or more. This is basically how we relate to each other. Relationships are never measured in time but always in lessons shared and learnt and can occur between Soulmates, Twin Souls and theoretically even among Parallel Souls. The latter ones, though, are highly unlikely to meet in the same lifetime. - Let me first explain what can be understood by Twin Souls, Twin Rays or Twin Flames since this type is clearly the most paramount sort of soul relationships. To sum up briefly, Twin Souls are two halves of ONE and the SAME soul which at the beginning of time used to coexist harmoniously. When we emerged from THE Source to individuate ourselves, we were all still whole. Each soul consisted of a male and a female counterpart which formed a perfect union of LIGHT. This is where the term Twin Flame or Twin Ray was derived from. Once we as souls desired to experience separation from the Source in order to consciously experience ourselves as individuals, many souls chose to split as to actually increase the speed of experience exponentially. Thus the other half of the soul is one's twin flame or soul. Consequently, there is only ONE twin in the entire universe. That other half may or may not choose to incarnate on the earthly plane at the same time as us. However, each left a tiny little piece of ourselves within the other just as portrayed in the famous Yin/ Yang symbol, and this is actually how we find each other. From the very moment on we ventured off to experience a variety of different forms and dimensions, our twin souls - very much like us - had the individual choice to as to whether to share these experiences or not. We may choose to share incarnational experiences with many other souls, some of whom have been part of our soul groups or families of Soulmates. Throughout eternity, we have yearned to join together with our Twin Souls for the main purpose of being whole again, but just like any other Soulmate relationship, these reunions have run through highs and lows through time and space. Twin Souls follow the strong urge to physically connect but may not necessarily feel physically passionate at all. However, they feel magically drawn to one another almost in a sense of being completely intertwined and thus reluctant to be apart from each other. Time is usually considered very precious which is often expressed in the desire to spend as much time as possible in each other's presence. The feeling of joy and peace is not rarely clouded by deep sorrow and the longing to basically make up for separation both in the past and future. Spiritual Twin Flames sense a pretty natural mutual spark of attraction, and they so desire to be physically close because their highest goal is to merge energy. They long to hold and touch one another and do not necessarily need any more than that. Once they find each other, they just want to walk hand in hand through a lifetime as long as they possibly can. Twin Souls can either get along perfectly well and be connected telepathically even, or they can aggravate each other because they are so much alike. They know one another most intimately since they are in fact ONE. So, if they get mad at one another, they know without a doubt how to hurt each other most profoundly and most precisely. This may very well damage their relationship on the level of trust and intimacy for the hurt is equally mutual. Not surprisingly, patience, love and compassion are most recommendable in order to sort out any disagreements and discordances. - Hands down, the greatest challenge with Twin Souls is f i n d i n g , a process which can definitely be compared to the search for the infamous needle in a haystack. What you can do is send out a call for your soul twin by envisioning your light shining brightly into the great Universe AFTER affirming that you indeed choose to be whole, complete and intact with all parts, aspects and fragments of yourself that there are throughout all the dimensions in the Cosmos to be attracted to you in the Here and Now. Picture a light, just like yours, being irresistibly drawn to become one with you. This will eventually attract your Twin Soul. - When it comes to intimate relationships, some characteristics of Twin Souls may in fact turn out to be rather problematic. More about that next week.
Seelenpartner, Zwillingsseelen, ... Alles Aus Einer Einzigen Seele (II) - Die Dauer unserer Zusammenkünfte mit anderen Seelen mag von einigen Minuten bis hin zu einer Stunde, einem Tag, einer Dekade oder sogar darüber hinaus variieren. Das zeichnet uns grundsätzlich alle aus. Beziehungen lassen sich niemals zeitlich messen sondern vielmehr in geteilten wie gegenseitig beigebrachten Lebenslektionen und kommen durchaus auch zwischen Seelengefährten, Zwillings- und rein theoretisch auch unter Parallelseelen vor. Letztere aber treffen recht unwahrscheinlich zur selben Zeit zusammen. - Lasst mich zuerst auf das Konzept der Zwillingsseelen, Zwillingsflammen oder auch Zwillingsstrahlen eingehen. Kurz zusammengefasst, handelt es sich hierbei um zwei Hälften EIN und DERSELBEN Seele, die zu Anbeginn der Zeit in absolut harmonischer Koexistenz lebten. Selbst als wir uns als Seelen von DER Quelle an sich abspalteten, um uns letztendlich zu individualisieren, waren wir unverändert eins. Jede ...
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