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The Age Of Aquarius

The Age Of Aquarius - With the onset of the French Revolution in 1789 the Age of Aquarius is believed to have had its pompous introduction replacing the 2000- plus- year span of tyranny under Pisces at last. Humans had finally grown sick and tired of the ambiguity of the dark ages which used to easily govern their impressionable subjects mainly by means of religiously colored terror and fear. The masses started congregating in an unprecedented collective wrath to protest against the poor treatment by their own monarchs who'd been living in incredibly excessive abundance while they, the commoners, were still starving to death. That historically well- documented revolution marked a huge change in society and at the same time a considerable rise in the human conscious. While the Age of Pisces itself might have held a great potential for spiritual growth on a large scale, it was in fact the Roman Catholic church which made sure it would never get that far for what they definitely feared the most was the loss of power and credibility. With the dawn of a new age with an entirely different zodiac on the horizon though, it became clear rather quickly that that process could no longer be suppressed, delayed, altered or even stopped. The New Age of Aquarius is calculated to last for approximately 2160 years altogether and describes an era during which spiritual growth is not just fostered towards humankind in general but more importantly between lovers. The difference between then and now lies in couples no longer staying together for mere survival purposes but rather for mainly spiritual reasons. You may wonder why there have taken place more devastating war conflicts within the last few centuries under the commonly peaceful sign of Aquarius than throughout the previous 2000- year reign under Pisces. Well, the astrological world believes that these are rather typical signs for the transitioning phase since it takes quite a while to fully emerge in the current age. In that sense, what's the span of a few hundred years compared to two plus millennia? - Okay, now that we finally seem to spiritually awake, it's only natural to analyze the nature of our immortal nucleus - the SOUL. The concept of re- incarnation has biblically always been in plain sight even though it has remained preferably untouched for the most part. The soul has also not been given the significance it singularly deserves just yet. However, this is now slowly changing as the general interest is clearly shifting away from the materialistic and increasingly towards spiritual pursues. At least throughout the industrial world terms like Soulmates, Twin and Parallel Souls are openly handled at ease and also mostly received like that. More and more folks are giving in to the desire to explore what lies beyond our pathetic 2% visual capacity, our auditive, tactile, olfactive, and other sensory limits. Soul searching has proven itself to have survived and by far surpassed its short- term predicted expectancy as a sole trend or fad and has turned into a new way of life and income for hundreds of millions. Somehow it appears as if we were trying to subconsciously re- connect with our prime times in Atlantis and Mu where the highest of priorities it was to spiritually honor one another. This strive for wanting to make it all come full circle holds the golden key for our gradual and collective awakening. Spiritually the scene is all set, and the energies around us are now being in the delicate process of refinement, speed advancement and overall enlightenment. Many of us have already dared dive headlong into this beautifully transcending endeavor, but the 2/3 majority is still overly skeptic of the outcome. One by one we will eventually all become part of this precious journey either along with our Soulmates, Twin or even Parallel Souls. Next week I'll be talking about those three different soul connections. 


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